Heroes of Might and Magic V (Gold Edition) - MediaFire
Heroes of Might and Magic V (Gold Edition) | 2.44 Gb
Experience the entire Heroes of Might and Magic V saga from the beginning to the end, including the new Tribes of the East stand-alone expansion, which brilliantly concludes this epic story!
Dive into a "deep fantasy" universe with stunning next-generation 3D visuals, groundbreaking strategic combat, innovative multiplayer features and addictive RPG elements. Take part in a thrilling new adventure with the Hammers of Fate expansion.
Experience the entire Heroes of Might and Magic V saga from the beginning to the end, including the new Tribes of the East stand-alone expansion, which brilliantly concludes this epic story!
Dive into a "deep fantasy" universe with stunning next-generation 3D visuals, groundbreaking strategic combat, innovative multiplayer features and addictive RPG elements. Take part in a thrilling new adventure with the Hammers of Fate expansion.
Discover uncharted territories, lead the new Dwarves and renegade Haven factions to victory, and experience new ways of playing Heroes of Might and Magic V. For the first time, play as the savage Orc faction and experience the dramatic conclusion of the usurper Biara's reign. Expand your arsenal and gameplay with a new campaign, new spells, new artefacts and innovative features such as the combo-based Artefact Sets as well as the unique Blood Rage racial ability.
This compilation bundles the main game Heroes of Might and Magic V with the two add-ons, Hammers of Fate and Tribes of the East, along with a bonus DVD.
Bonus DVD content:
- Heroes of Might & Magic V trailer
- Heroes of Might & Magic V: Hammers of Fate trailer
- Heroes of Might & Magic V: Tribes of the East trailer
- Storyline trailer
- Development diaries
- Album of the Heroes of Might and Magic V universe
- Monster test videos
- Game encyclopedia by fans
System Requirement:
- Windows2000 / XP / Vista
- System: 1500 MHz or equivalent
- RAM: 512 MB
- Video Memory: 128 MB
- Hard Drive Space: 800 MB 3D
- Hard Disk: 8GB
- Key Board & Mouse

Mediafire Link :
Special Thanks to: Gamehousevn
Wah keren nih kayaknya game nya. Mirip ama Age of empires 3.
ReplyDelete@Cara Daftar Google Plus: iya gan mirip, knp gak langsu di coba aja gan...?
ReplyDeletepassword for .rar pls
ReplyDelete.rar password is: www.gamehousevn.com
ReplyDeleteGan, laporan nih...
ReplyDeleteKayaknya link file :www.gamehousevn.com HoMam5.part08.rar (Part 7 | http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?w37t5w01xf9eqg9)-nya rusak, error ga bisa di DL.
tulungin donk gan di upload ulang. Tinggal part08 itu aja nih yg kurang..
@Anonim: bagus ko' gan....gak ada masalah dengan link nya....
ReplyDelete@Admin ISALGAMES | IsaL
ReplyDeleteKnp ya gan? kemarin waktu pertama kali DL part08 pake IDM bisa, tapi stop ditengah jalan (90%). Selanjutnya dicoba utk di-DL ulang ga keluar-keluar menu DL-nya, even IDM-nya dimatiin, ga bisa juga. Tapi kalo' part-part lainnya baik-baik saja.
trims gan
ReplyDeleteitu part 8 nya emang bermasalah ya?
ReplyDelete@Admin ISALGAMES | IsaL
ReplyDeleteemang itu part 8 nya bermasalah ya?
@Anonim: klo masi gak bisa jg, coba bersihkan dulu history browsernya,atau coba pake browser lain, jgn lupa pake IDM....
ReplyDeletegan part 5 ga bisa didownload, error gitu... tks
ReplyDeletemaap gan ternyata part 5 bisa di download, thanks ya..
ReplyDeletegan, ini apa keseluruhan homm v + hammer of fate+tribes of east jadi satu gitu ya gan, trmkasih byk sebelumnya, keren gan blognya...
ReplyDeletegan,sy udah download berhari2, setelah sy install eh ada registernya,sy isi sembarangan trs ok, eh malah ga bs trs insert cd/dvd, stlh sy coba lg buka filenya di bin, bs dibuka eh terus tiba2 ga bisa lg, ilang gt pas buka campaign, pdhl semua requirement udh cocok semua, gimana ni gan, tolong bantuannya ya, sy tunggu, jgn lama2 ya gan, terimakasih byk sebelumnya...
ReplyDeletegan,tolong cara installnya yg komplit ya... trmksh byk...
ReplyDelete@reza: Mungkin gak di crack bro...
ReplyDeletemaaf yah bang isal klo z lancang balas komentar ini, krn z liat bang isal sdh jarang balas komentr, jd sy bantu deh bang, krn abang sdh baik skali mau berbagi game2 ke kita smu... isalgames is the best
udah tuh bro, sy udah copy paste cracknya, trs sy buka bs jalan, tp pas buka campaign tiba2 ilang gitu, trs ada tulisan #heroes of might and magic v has encountered a problem and need to close, we are sorry for the incovenience...# sy ga tidur sjk kmrn ni, udh nyoba mcm2, tolong bantuan solusinya bro, terimakasih banyak banget sebelumnya...
ReplyDeletewaduh, dah lama lama download malah kagak bisa di extrack filenya.....
ReplyDeletehelp me please....!!!!!!
bang isal, isinya kok cuma Heroes of Might & Magic V aja, yang ekspansinya gak ada.. disitukan tulisannya collection (/^.^)/ ??
ReplyDeletemakin bagus aja blognya .. jagokk !!
"Sekali lagi saya sampaikan kepada semua pengunjung setia IsalGames, bahwa komentar Anonim tidak akan saya respon.
ReplyDeleteThanks".... sy pake nama aja ga dibales,nama asli lg, apalagi yg nggak, tetep aja sy yg kesulitan diabaikan, ga dipeduliin, trmksh byk krn udh ga dipeduliin.
@reza: wah sy mohon maaf nih gan sy tdk liat komentar agan,
ReplyDeleteklo masalah itu sy juga kurang tau gan tp td sy baca dari forum luar ktanya klo muncul tulisan "insert cd/dvd" lalu crack setelah itu cari file "libcurl.dll" difolder Ubisoft/bin atau di t4 agan menyimpan game ini, lalu copy file tersbut dan gabungkan ke file cracknya.
itu yg sempt sy baca gan kali aja bisa membantu.
dan sekali lagi maaf klo komentnya baru sy balas.
iya gan, trmksh ya, sy jg minta maaf ya.... sy suka sm blog ini.. thx.
ReplyDelete@reza: iya gan sama-sama. gmn gamenya dah bisa di mainin gak..???
ReplyDeletebang isal ni bisa dimainin di windows 7 nggak ya, soalnya waktu gue extrack filenya kok ada 6 and formatnya iso.001-iso.006...tulungin dong gan solusinya
ReplyDeletebisa gan.. game yg mirip heroes ini apalagi ya gan yg ada di blog ini.. trmksh byk ya...
ReplyDeletegan file no.1 nya gak bisa di download laporannya invalid or deleted file "The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire.
ReplyDelete@jeprak: linknya sdh di hapus oleh mediafire.
ReplyDeletesementara cari link alternatif untuk part1 nya, tp klo ada yg mau berbuat baik tuk upload n share dimari boleh jg. hehehehehe
yah sayang deeh, mau maen game saat masih kuliah dulu gak bisa....but thxs bang isal udah mau menjawab komennya. Btw Blognya keren deeh
ReplyDeletewah sayang skl udah ga bs, pdhl aq punya ni udah tak ekstrak, 2,45gb, jg download di blog bang isal ini, sayang ga bs dikirim, keren lo,aq udah selesai maen smp yg tribes of east, bang isal, thank you, nice blog, gpp kan bang kl cewek ikutan download disini, hehehe, bang aq tunggu besok2 hommVI kl udh ada ya.. thx
ReplyDelete@koko: bang qu bantu boleh ya, kmrn aq jg gt, trs aq pakai hjsplit, download dl hjsplit, ntar hasilnya file rar, abis itu diekstrak lg, beres dech tinggal diinstal, aq kmrn gt sich, baca di tutorial aja, kan bang isal udh nyediain tuh..
ReplyDelete@reza: bang qu bantu ya, yang mirip hommV di blog ini tuh, disciple 3, ada sih yg mirip lg, king bounty, elven legacy, warcraft III, but blm ada disini... kt tunggu aja diposting ma bang isal.. :)
ReplyDelete@kainuna: wah makasi bxk nih dah mau bagi2 info n bantu jawab komentar di blog ini, sering2 aja yah kaya gi2, hehheehe.
ReplyDeletegak nyangka trnyata ada jg yah cewek yg sering downloaad disin, jgn bosan2 yah mampir dimari n kasi review2 yg lainnya. hehheehe
@kainuna: thx's banget atas infonya,udah bisa dimainin neeh... loe cantik and baek hati orgnya deeh. thx juga bang Isal atas gamenya...Blognya sip and T.O.P bgt deeh
ReplyDeletebang isal.. part 1 nya d upload ulang dnk... :(
ReplyDeleteiya ni... upload ulang dong part01-nya gan !!!
ReplyDeletedia ni pmalas,barua lancau,sial
ReplyDeletetolong di reupload lg donk gan isal, file removed...
ReplyDeletepart-1 tolong di upload lg donk gan isal
ReplyDeletebang ali part 1 upload lagi dong plis plis..
ReplyDeletepgn bgt maen ini game qq