Battlestrike Force of Resistance - IDWS

Battlestrike Force of Resistance | 500 Mb

Release Name: Battlestrike.Force.of.Resistance-SKIDROW
Release Date: Aug 8, 2008
Filename: sr-bsfor
Protection: DVD Authorize
Size: 500.3 MB
Genre: Shooter
Developer: City Interactive
Release Date: Aug 8, 2008
Filename: sr-bsfor
Protection: DVD Authorize
Size: 500.3 MB
Genre: Shooter
Developer: City Interactive
It is September, 1943. The armies of the 3rd Reich occupy virtually the entire territory of Europe. The lands taken by the Germans spread from Brest, a town on the western brink of the continent, to the suburbs of Stalingrad. Numerous resistance groups operate in the occupied regions of Europe. Using the tactics of surprise attacks and the support from local people, they can effectively confront much larger, better-equipped and trained troops of the enemy.
The British government dispatches one of its best commandos to the Central Europe. Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus are the countries where the resistance movements are most active. The Englishman's tasks involve training and support for local guerrilla fighters in the most daring sabotage and diversion actions. Among others, you will embark on typical missions like blowing up bridges, assaults on enemy convoys to stack up necessary ammo and weapons. The player will also participate in a bank robbery, and last but not least -- destroy a legendary facility producing V2 rockets!
Minimum System Requirements
- Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP(SP2), DirectX 9.0c
- CPU 1.6 GHz, 512 MB RAM
- GeForce4/Radeon 8500 Video Card with 64 MB
- 2 GB Free Hard Drive Space
- CD-ROM Drive, Keyboard, Mouse and Speakers

Password Mediafire:
Gan gemenya kaga bisa jalan selalu kelar pesan serpti ini
ReplyDelete"Please insert the battlestrike : force of resistance disk into your cd drive"
ditunggu gan jawabannya
@Rikzy: uda di crack blum gamesnya..?? klu gak di krack biasanya muncul pesan kaya gitu....
ReplyDeletelink downloadnya udah terhapus
ReplyDelete@anjoel: link sdh diperbaiki bro. thanks atas laporannya..
ReplyDeletelink gg bisa di download
ReplyDelete===LINK UPDATED===
ReplyDeleteLink & Game: Tested By Me @ Windows 7 Ultimate x86
kenapa komenku selalu di hapus ?
ReplyDeletekenapa linknya rosak
ReplyDelete@Unknown linknya masih bagus ko'
ReplyDeleteapa password winrar nya...?
ReplyDeletegmn cara nginstallnya? part2nya kok gak bisa di extract????
ReplyDeletebang isal kok setelah di crack gamenya selalu keluar sendiri pas mau dimaininin
ReplyDeletegan yg r01 passwordnya apa?
ReplyDeletepassword sdh ada di atas gan... tp yg r01 nda pake password, cuma yg RAR aja yg pake...
ReplyDeletebuka crack d sini gan:
tinggal ekstrack ke program file and mainkan gamenya....
buat admin thanks gamenya
maaf numpang nanya,,, Cara ngebuka file nya gimana ?
ReplyDeletegan ..
ReplyDeletedah di gabungin.. trus di extrak winrar yang part 3 corrupt gmn tuh...???
maaf gan ketinggalan..
ReplyDeletetolong upload file part 3 nya aja dunk jadi ga' perlu download ulang...
Gan password rar nya apa?
ReplyDeletePake password yg diatas g bs..
cara ngecracknya gimana gan
ReplyDeletegan kan saya sudah pasang cracknya, kok pas saya klik gamenya yang muncul tulisan
ReplyDelete"Battlestrike Force Of Resistance Has Stop Working, blah..."
kenapa bisa gitu
bos game udah terimfeksi Virus!!!
ReplyDeletegan part 2 g bsa di download
ReplyDeletebagi yang tw cara nginstal game na gemana y
ReplyDelete1.setelah di donlot gabungkan kedua file dgn HJ SPLIT, kemudian baru di extract
2. hasil extractan ada 5 file di extract lagi, sebelumnya anti virus agan2 di non aktivkan dulu cuz ntar setup.exe ke detech virus.
3. kalo udah ketik aja setup.exe kalo diminta masukin CD tinggal browse aja tempat agan2 naruh folder mentahan tadi.
4. tunggu sampai selesai instalasinya.
5. kalo udah isi folder yg ada skidrow di copy paste kan ke tempat installan tadi
6. Enjoy The Game
Owh,, ma'af kk, Pasword nya Udah ada di atas??
ReplyDeleteMungkin saya Tadi kurang Memperhatikan :D