Lost Planet 2 Repack - Mediafire
Lost Planet 2 is a third-person shooter video game developed and published by Capcom. The game is the sequel to Lost Planet: Extreme Condition which is also made by Capcom, taking place ten years after the events of the first game, on the same fictional planet. The game was developed for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows. Originally set to be released in early 2010, Capcom delayed the game's consoles release to May 11, 2010 in North America and Europe and May 20, 2010 for Japan, and the Windows version will be released on October 12, 2010.
Many gameplay features from the original Lost Planet game are present. Recurring elements include major boss battles, extreme terrain, and the ability to pilot mechanized armor suits, known as Vital Suits (VSs). On July 24, 2009, at Comic-Con 2009, producer Jun Takeuchi held a Q&A session for fans. Takeuchi revealed that there would be a lot more co-op based VSs.Indeed, Players will be able to ride on the sides of some VSs. These VSs can be controlled by one player, while two others hang on by the sides and shoot. Takeuchi also revealed that there would be flying VSs which feature unlimited flying time.
Also unlike Lost Planet, Lost Planet 2 will not constantly drain players of Thermal-Energy. This is due to the warmer climate, which can sustain T-ENG presence longer than a cold climate, which drains thermal energy bit by bit.
Instead, energy can only be drained when the player pilots a VS and uses a weapon that requires energy. However T-eng is still constantly lost unless a specific ability is equipped despite the 'warmer climate'. The character may also lose T-ENG by completing one entire sprint with a character (confirmed in the demo). If one player loses all their energy, another can give them some of their energy, using a new weapon, to keep players alive.
Kenji Orguro and Jun Takeuchi announced that the game would reward players with experience points. Players will earn more points for playing in a unique manner and completing extra objectives in missions. Once the game has been beaten on any difficulty, players are allowed to use this character for the campaign.These points can then be used to unlock costumes and attachments for the player to customize their Pirate
Minimum System requirement :
- Operating System Windows XP;
- Processor Intel Core2 Duo / AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core or better;
- 1 GB (XP) / 2 GB (Vista / Windows 7) or more of RAM;
- 13 GB free hard disk space;
- Video Card NVIDIA GeForce series 7800/ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro or better with 256 MB VRAM compatible with DirectX 9.0c, and support Shader3.0;
- Sound card with support for DirectSound (DirectX 9.0c or higher);
- A device for reading DVD c support DVD9;
- Keyboard and mouse.
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Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^
Tested By Me @ Windows 7 Ultimate x86
ReplyDeletewaspada gan. mediafire udah di warning ama FBI. siapin backup
ReplyDeletebesar banget sizenya gan...
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I haven't played. I want tis game for my Windows PC. I try to make this link useful. I played previous version of the game which was such an entertaining game.
ReplyDeleteCoches rc gasolina
kok banyak yang korup yaa . . .
ReplyDeletehik hik hik 64 parts @ 200 mb, 1 minggu lebih nunggunya . . . .
@Alif Faqih Nurzaman masa sih gan? but anyway....
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gan kok games adultnya hilang, padahal tinggal 5 part lagi. duh rugi nieh
ReplyDeleteWaduh ... banyak partnya yg korupt nih gan ...
ReplyDeleteUdah diRepair tetap aja gak bisa ... but nice share gan.
I already played this Lost Planet 2 and i am really getting lots of enjoyment and having fun while i played it.
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ReplyDeleteada problem. tidak boleh download.
the link is still there. tapi bila nak download,
dapat notis: "The requested file doesn't exist."
sudah retry banyak kali, tapi tetap masalah.
anyway, thank you very much for sharing.
thanks bang Isal games nya top.
ReplyDeletepart 59 korup nih, tolong reupload.
g bisa di extract bang,ket error:crc failled in the incrypted file sr-lp2d2.iso part 1 rar(wrong password ?)
ReplyDeletepadahal dah d masukin pass nya.
www.isalgames.com ---->betul inikan pass nya bang.
tolong respon nya.thanx
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ReplyDeleteiy gan part 59 korup nih kyanya, plis reupload
ReplyDeletere-up plssss
ReplyDeleteLink diatas sdh sy ganti....
ReplyDeletetp sebelum di download cek kelengkapan link.
Gan ini bukan game nya ya ? , cuma review dan test nya aja...
ReplyDeleteBT sekali
Just the benchmark.. |:
ReplyDeletesory gan game nya g bsa d mainin, padahal capek bgt download ny.. -,- azzZZ...
ReplyDeletelain kali langsung posting game yg beneran nya aja gan, ga usah review nya..
ksian yg dl hampir 1 giga..
sedikit kritik dari ane nih gan, kalo mau posting game bahasa inggris, sertakan translate nya..
ReplyDeletejadi orang negri sendiri ga bingung..
rata2 kalo orang indo membaca postingan bahasa inggris males gan, paling yang di lihat langsung itu sistem req sama size nya aja (kaya sya)..
kalo di rasa memenuhi, ga ada basa basi lagi, pasti langsung di download..
itu aja sih, agar pengunjung setia isalgames ga kecewa..
thanks gan udh baca kritik dari ane..
maju terus ya isalgames..
damn, its preview only
ReplyDeletewhen is really game
udah di delete ama Mf gan.,
ReplyDeleteAll the links are dead. Can u kindly please re-upload. Thank You.