Need for Speed: The Run Repack - MediaFire
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Need for Speed: The Run Repack + Fix Crack | 4.61 Gb |
Publisher: Electronic Arts | Developer: Black Box | Genre: Driving | Platform: PC | Language : Read NFO | Size: 4.61 GB Release Date: 2011-11-15
The Race of Your Life. It’s called The Run. An illicit, high-stakes race across the country. The only way to get your life back is to be the first from San Francisco to New York. No speed limits. No rules. No allies. All you have are your driving skills and sheer determination as you battle hundreds of the world’s most notorious drivers on the country’s most dangerous roads.
In Need for Speed The Run, you’ll weave through dense urban centers, rocket down icy mountain passes and navigate narrow canyons at breakneck speeds, all the while evading a relentless police force prepared – and willing – to use lethal force to take you down.
Minimum System Requirements
- OS: Windows Vista SP2 32-bit
- DirectX: DirectX 10
- CPU: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equal AMD
- Memory: 3 GB
- HDD: 18 GB
- Graphics (AMD): 512 MB RAM ATI Radeon 4870 or better
- Graphics (NVIDIA): 512 MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT or better
- Sound: DirectX compatible
- Input: Keyboard, Gamepad or Wheel
- DVD Rom
- Online: 512 KBPS Internet connection or better
Recommended System Requirements
- OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
- DirectX: DirectX 11
- CPU: 3.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad or equal AMD
- Memory: 4 GB
- HDD: 18 GB
- Graphics (AMD): 1024 MB RAM ATI Radeon 6950
- Graphics (NVIDIA): 1024 MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX560
- Sound: DirectX compatible
- Input: Keyboard, Gamepad or Wheel
- DVD Rom
- Online: 512 KBPS Internet connection or better
Install Notes:
- Unrar
- Mount or Burn
- Run Setup.exe
- At the end of teh setup a chinese windows will appear, just click OK
- Enjoy

Mediafire Link :
Download Games Need for Speed: The Run Repack Via MediaFireDownload | Repack Fix NFSTR
Download | Fix Crack NFSTR
Keren gan
ReplyDeleteNeed For Speed yang paling baru nih
kalau aku post di blogku juga boleh kan gan..???
@Ghoeszt-X: knp tdk gan... silahkan.... hehehe
ReplyDeleteOke gan terimakasih..!!!
ReplyDeleteIsalGames Memanmg sahabat terbaik,,:D
bang isal.....mmmm....untuk game Age of Empire yang part 9 belum ada ya?
Age Of Empire 3 maksud saya.....:D
ReplyDeleteWuih keren ini webblog, bookmark dulu ah buat download game
ReplyDelete@Ghoeszt-X: isalgames memang sobat terbaik... hehehhe
ReplyDelete@Pedro: iya gan blm ada.... maaf yah..
@Metode Bisnis Online Memberikan Bukti Nyata: iya thankz atas kunjungannya...
sori ini g ada yang corrupt kan filenya?
ReplyDeleteka isal file ada yg corupt part brp smpe part brp gtu/d'atas 10,kyknya 15
ReplyDeletekk Admin tu knpa dia minta kernel32.dll ...?
ReplyDelete@babesama q kyk gitu Gan
ReplyDeletekok cuma loading screen doang? ga bisa loading ke game?
share dynasty warrior 7 dong......kalu bisa yg repack..
ReplyDeletegan ada gag DW 7 ?...soalnya ane car kmana2 gag ada..
ReplyDeletemas isal ini part 22 ga bisa di download ya? file or directory not found
ReplyDeletepart 22 bisa didownload gan!
ReplyDeletegan klo sudah diinstal berapa ukurannya filenya ya??
ReplyDeletegan, saya udah instal tapi ada tulisan run32.dll...
ReplyDeleteapa itu maksudnya ga bisa pake xp.
mas ical, part1-nya di-ekstrak error
ReplyDeleteko g bsa dextrack si..
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sip gan game nya bisa di mainin instal nya membutuhkan wkt:2,5 jam hahaha... ukuran jadi 15,3GB
ReplyDeleteni buat yg gak bisa yg katanya cuma loading screen doang
caranya copy isi file Repack Fix NFSTR dlm bentuk rar yg ada di file iso ke C Need for Speed The Run kemudian Xtrack here, moga membantu
terima kasih mas isal atas game nya
paswornya apa gan
ReplyDeleteGan, kok punya ane stag di loading terus yah?
ReplyDeletegk masuk2 ke menu. itu kenapa yah?
mohon pencerahannya
ok gen thank,q lagi download ni kalau ada masalah ntar dikasi tau gen
ReplyDeleteyang mau dynasty warrior 7 PS3 ane uda dapet. silakan kunjungi blog ane
ReplyDeletesayang sekali ane pake xp --"
ReplyDeleteini tanggung jawab yang punya blog mana???????pertanyaan erornya kok ga dijawab?????????gamenya ga bisa diextract??????????????file corrupt!!!!!!udah capek2 download....eh ternyata blognya cuma asal copas!!!mana tanggung jawabnya????
ReplyDeletewew mantab kudu di download !!!
ReplyDeletegue donlod bisa kq gan. kalo minta' kernel mungkin win qm xp. maen nfs thr run win.nya harus seven ato vista. thank's
ReplyDeleteKoq gak bisa di extract, error terus, minta bantuannya dong
ReplyDeleteCORRUPT!! ane udah download ampe mati nih!! please jawab knapa gini!!!!
lu update noh data part 19 & 24.a dijamin kelar,,, yg lain.a direpair pkr winrar bisa koq...
ReplyDeleteane ralat gan,,, terbukti gx corrupt tp syarat.a harus download dengan mulus (gx kebanyakan di pause)kl msih error tinggal di repair deh...
ReplyDeleteMau nanya ni, kok part 17 dan 19 kaga bisa download yaa, di mediafirenya reload trus, saya uda coba berulang-ulang. Mohon bantuannya ya, soalnya tinggal sisa 2 part itu aja si..
kq yg muncul cuma loading screen'y aja,,,dihohon dg sangat pencerahan'y.....please,
ReplyDeleteeh gan, bisa d kompres lebih kecil lagi gk gan?
ReplyDeletejadiin RIP kalo bsa gan,
bro ko sekarang Linknya mati...
ReplyDeletepadahal saaya download udah nyampe Part 21
tolong kalau bisa hidupin lagi broo
@Redmunich : sama nih
ReplyDeletegw mau motoGP13 ahh
ReplyDeletegan,reupload dong. linknya uda mati.