Area 51 RIP - Mediafire
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Area 51 RIP - Mediafire | 242 Mb |
Area 51 Game Review-In area of Midway 51, David Duchovny portrays a soldier HAZMAT ultra unlucky, Ethan Cole, with a little spice less emotional than your carrots on the hull on average. For March 1 as otherwise polished and well presented as the area 51 with a mallet as drowsiness, face-is simply inappropriate. It is an evil which ranks next to the trim with a handful of half-melted Skittles and a pinch of Reese.
System Requirement
- Windows 2000/XP
- Intel Pentium III 1.4GHz or AMD Athlon 2000+ or Sempron 2200+ Processor
- 256MB RAM
- 64MB ATi Radeon 9500 or nVidia GeForce 3 Class Video Card
- DirectX 9.0b
- DirectX compatible Sound Card
- 3GB Hard Disk Space
- 16X DVD-ROM Drive or 4X CD-ROM Drive
Cara Install:
- Unrar
- Jalankan Setup.bat
- Play Game
- Terjadi crash Pada saat memainkan games: Ada kemungkinan pas unpack ada yg kedetect virus, jadi solusinya bagi yg mau install Area-51 disable dlu antivirus nya. baru di execute unpak.bat nya.
Show Screenshot
ReplyDelete@Anonim: run unpack.bat
ReplyDeletehye isal cancer..can u upload the BlackSite : Area 51 game?i really want to play it..haha peace no war..:D
ReplyDeletebanyakin game 200M-400M bro....
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pas di deep underground/level 2 kok crash ya?
ReplyDelete@Anonim: Ada beberapa file yang kurang kali gan? coba cek lagi atau reinstall, ingat saat install disable dulu antivirus nya....!!!
ReplyDeletetrainer ane ke detect,pantes aja . . .hahaha
@Anonim: hahahha, lain kali periksa baik2 gan....!!!!
ReplyDeletegan, game'a nembk" alien gitu ? screenshot'a kaga mw kebuka, ud refresh 3x, hehehe.. ntar donlot abis Bloody Good Time, haahah THANKS gan BLOG'a KEREN!
ReplyDeletecika sudah di extrak batnya diklik dua kali a51.exe muncul kaya gini gan
ReplyDeleteA51.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
^^ ane juga gitu nih,,encountered a problem,,gimNa dong???
ReplyDeletebang saya baru mainin ini game tapi kok pas di level deep underground,tiba2 kembali ke desktop ya dan error???ada apa ya?/
bang baru saya mainin level 2 deep underground tiba2 game nya error dan muncul pesan A51.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
ReplyDeleteitu knapa ya???apa karena saya gag pake VGA??
Shandy irawan
kk , kok punyaku area 51 nya kok nggak bisa ??
ReplyDeleteBang adminn isal,kok di level underground crash si.mohon pencerahannya.ditunggu ya bang.cos ni game keren banget..
ReplyDeletethanx before
Bang admin tlong bales,,pengen maenn ni...T.T
ReplyDelete@KimhOK SHiKaMezu: wah maaf buangt nih gan sy jg kurang tau N blm bisa kasi solusinya...
ReplyDeletesekali lgi maaf yah gan,,,,
ReplyDeletetar klw dah ada solusina kasih tw ya...
thanx bang isal..
Thanks.This is one of my favorite game.bike flash games
ReplyDeleteReally superb game.
@KimhOK SHiKaMezuHalo...
ReplyDeletesaat level underground punyaku jg crash. aq pake win 7.
fortunately... aq lancar aj setelah pake win xp. oh ya.. biar maennya ga ada bug selakan download dulu pacthnya. TQ
compatible gk sama windows 7
ReplyDeletegan gk ada linknya tuh
ReplyDeletegan wkt ane ekstrak kok ada yang corupt gan, jd gk bisa, ada saran kagak gan ?
ReplyDeletegreat job dude this is awsome blog..keep it up ..
ReplyDeletegreat job dude this is awsome blog..keep it up ..
ReplyDeleteini gmn kk ... sya udh jalanin smua yg diatas ... matiin antivirus juga ud ... tpi bgitu di buka a51 kok lngsung ad blik lgi ke dekstop dan kluar tulisan gini
ReplyDeleteA51.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Area 51 mediafire links are no more working
ReplyDeletelink have die
ReplyDeletebongko, modiar link nya