Ys: The Oath in Felghana - Indowebster
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Ys: The Oath in Felghana - Indowebster | 1.2 GB |
Release Date: 2 Nov 2010 | Published: Falcom | Developed: Falcom | Genre: Action RPG | Language: Multi | ESRB: Teen
As in Ys III, Adol Christin and his friend Dogi are traveling to Dogi's hometown of Redmont three years after the events of the first two games. Upon arriving, they discover that evil happenings are threatening the townspeople, and it is up to Adol to put a stop to it. The basic plot has been slightly modified from the original, and expanded through the use of additional scenes.
The game-play follows the new model from the previous game, The Ark of Napishtim, with several improvements. Many things from the previous game were streamlined to keep the focus on the action as opposed to equipment and item management. For example, healing item and stat bonuses are no longer carried as items or accessories; instead, these bonuses are dropped from defeated enemies and are used upon pickup along with an experience bonus for attack combos, these bonuses are maintained through constant combat.
System Requirement:
- OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
- Processor: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz or Equivalent
- Memory: 256 MB
- Hard Drive: 1.3 GB Free
- Video Memory: 32 MB
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 9.0
- Keyboard & Mouse
- CD/DVD Rom Drive

Indowebster Link :
Download Games Ys: The Oath in Felghana | Indowebster
cara patchnya gimana gan^^
ReplyDeleteSory Bos Tidak Perlu Di jawab cuma masu kasih Tau Link part 13 eror Tolong Di Upload lagi Terimah kasih........Jaya Selalu.......ini Blog
ReplyDeletepart 13 error bos, mohon diperbaiki thanks
ReplyDeletepart 13 tidak boleh download..error...yang selebihnya ok..terima kasih kerana upload..
ReplyDeletepart 13 error nih, tlong diperbaiki
ReplyDelete@ALL: Thanks atas laporannya, sementara mencari penyebab trjdinya error trsbt dan mencarikan link alternatif untuk part13...
ReplyDeletemohon bersabar...
Link sudah terganti Bang Isal ,...wah, makin sukses neh ,hehehehe
ReplyDeletemsh blm bisa nih part 13
ReplyDeleteiya nih tetep gk bisa part 13 nya
ReplyDelete@RizaL vM: iya terima kasih banyak gan...
ReplyDelete@ZhieChelo & abdul: mohon bersabar gan & maaf atas ketidaknyamanan nya...
@ALL: silahkan download part 13 nya sekarang sdh gak error lagi, buruan download ntr keburu error lagi... hehehe
ReplyDeleteini mala Gak mau Di play...
ReplyDeletewedeh.. yg bener??? ane lg proses download nih,.. kalo gk bisa jd males lanjutin... ditunggu konfirmasinya dari adminnya nih
manteb gan dah bs dimaenin
ReplyDeleteSepertinya bagus nih game .., izin sedot gan. Tolong game RPG-nya diperbanyak .. hehehe :D
Bang Isal, part kok berat bgt ya di download..tolong di cek ya bang..
ReplyDeleteBang Isal, part 8 kok berat banget ya di download, tolong di cek ya..
ReplyDeletethank bang isal, its work..
ReplyDeletekk kenapa ya ada data yang error jd ga bisa baca map
ReplyDelete"There was an error reading data\map\s_35\s_3503\..\common\h\35ent083.dds.z.
The library may be damaged...
Try reinstalling the game.
tolong dicari penggantinya kk makasih
Wah, bagus banget nih game gan.
ReplyDeleteaku dah main yang YS; VI Ark Of Naphistim kalo isa tolong upload yang YS Origin donk bang Isal
maaf kalo kebanyakan minta.
@Josh..: iya gak papa, minta aja trus.. hehhe
ReplyDeletetp blm bisa sy carikn gan soalnya lagi sibuk banget, nih aja blm pernah update lagi....
sama saya jg error begini kk :
ReplyDelete"There was an error reading data\map\s_35\s_3503\..\common\h\35ent083.dds.z.
The library may be damaged...
mohon diperbaiki
Bos Admin
ReplyDeleteGame nya ngak bisa di mulai
saat di menu game engak bisa klik
New Game
Load game
Hanya bisa gerakin mousnya
tapi mousnya engak bisa mengklik data apa yang salah yahh ???
bantuiin dong :) pleaseeeeeeeee.....:( !!
Bos admin gw punya juga error kaya di atas
ReplyDeletesaat mau mulai game bisa...
Tapi saat mau klik new game engak bisa di klik tolong dong :( !!
Apakah game ini hanya untuk PSP ??
ReplyDeleteAtau game ini bisa di mainin di pc ??
kk aku dah minta dr temen kalo error mapnya berarti patchnya ada yana salah atau ga cocok versinya
ReplyDeletegan ane kok gak bisa donlot link part7? bisa tolong di cek, sayang ane udah donlot semua link kecuali yg part7. makasih dan sukses selalu buat isalgames :D
ReplyDeleteini game pass mulai pake anak panah atow apa nih
ReplyDeletePart 10 di IDM selalu macet di 99.97 :( ....udah dicoba 3 kali tetap macet ...tolong diuploadin lagi donk
ReplyDeleteGan,kok Part 5 Corrupt?
ReplyDeleteapa ane salah cara downloadnya?
bos ayo lah
ReplyDeletefix ulang yah
error map lava nih
"There was an error reading data\map\s_35\s_3503\..\common\h\35ent083.dds.z.
The library may be damaged...
Try reinstalling the game.
makasih gan..
ReplyDeleteane mau download nieh..
klo erro ane laporan ama ente gan.. hhheheheh ^^
linknya mna om ??
ReplyDeletegan bisagak ,upload semua game itu di IDWS aja semua.....
ReplyDeletejangandi MF
gamenya ga jalan sama sekali gan.
ReplyDeleteane make windows 7 64-bit.
Link sudah diperbaharui...
ReplyDeletesingle link dari Indowebster...
dan sudah dites pake windows 8 32-bit
#Tested work 100%