Megaman X8 RIP - Mediafire
Oddworld: The Oddbox | 180 Mb
The evil Sigma waged a war of fury on Earth in an attempt to annihilate the human race. Megaman X8 begins after the fall out of this devastating battle. The planet earth has been ravaged and the remaining humans are forced to look for a new home. In an effort to rebuild human civilisation as it was once known, a new generation of robot Reploids has been built by the earth's people in order to ready the moon for colonisation. This new group possessed advanced capabilities, including the ability to copy other Reploids. Unfortunately, Sigma has corrupted them with his sinister DNA mark in an attempt to make them turn on humans. Now Megaman X, Zero and Axl must head to the moon for an outer space mission to defeat the enemy and save mankind.
The evil Sigma waged a war of fury on Earth in an attempt to annihilate the human race. Megaman X8 begins after the fall out of this devastating battle. The planet earth has been ravaged and the remaining humans are forced to look for a new home. In an effort to rebuild human civilisation as it was once known, a new generation of robot Reploids has been built by the earth's people in order to ready the moon for colonisation. This new group possessed advanced capabilities, including the ability to copy other Reploids. Unfortunately, Sigma has corrupted them with his sinister DNA mark in an attempt to make them turn on humans. Now Megaman X, Zero and Axl must head to the moon for an outer space mission to defeat the enemy and save mankind.
Megaman X8 provides a greater degree of freedom and variety than ever before. Players are able to complete the stages in any order and as often as they like. Each area is designed to help build and acquire skills that will be used to advance through the game. Players must successfully jump, attack, and utilise new weapons to open up additional areas and conquer each challenge. Twelve stages provide vast variety in gameplay and settings from 3D depth-scrolling space stations to side-scrolling lunar colonies and even vehicle based missions, each with their own objectives. Replay is encouraged through intermission sub quests that provide different objectives for already-cleared stages to provide added depth and help players hone skills.
The PC version is not only a port of the PS2 version, it also features the Window mode, in addition of the full screen and includes the Mouse and Keyboard features, in addition of controller (gamepad). Though never released in retail stores in the United States, the version also features more than 6 languages.
The PC version is not only a port of the PS2 version, it also features the Window mode, in addition of the full screen and includes the Mouse and Keyboard features, in addition of controller (gamepad). Though never released in retail stores in the United States, the version also features more than 6 languages.
System Requirement
- Operating system: Windows 98SE / ME / 2000 / XP
- Processor: Pentium III 1 GHz (Pentium 4 2 GHz recommended)
- RAM: 128 MB (256 MB recommended)
- Disk space: 1.0 GB
- Other: 64 MB of video memory (128 MB recommended), DirectX 8.1

ReplyDeleteKk isal mau ngasi saran
ReplyDeletetapi sebelumnya saya minta maaf....
boleh tidak jika kk update game,linknya lewat indowebster? please tolong di jawab
@Anonim: Iya tdk apa2. sy usahan yah tp tdk janji...makasi atas sarannya
ReplyDeletemaksudnya rip gimana ya? hehehe
ReplyDelete@Anonim: pura2 gak tau yah gan, heheh....
ReplyDeleteRIP itu game yg sdh di kecilin ukurannya gan....
kok lama bgt sih
ReplyDeletekk isal kenapa aku nge download residen evil 4 susah di download nya sih ?????? :(
ReplyDelete@sebastian: mungkin jaringannya yg bermasalah bang...
ReplyDeletecara nginstallnya gmana gan ?
ReplyDeletemohon pencerahannya ;)
part 2 Problem loading page mulu
@Faris Farhan: dsni baik2 aja ko'....
ReplyDelete@Admin ISALGAMES | IsaL
ReplyDeletesekarang udah OK bro
Ah cacad !
ReplyDeletekaga ngrti gua assuuu !
tutor ngejoinya gk jelas !
Kok Saya Ngak Bisa Mulu
ReplyDeleteabis instal ntar filenya ada di mana ??
Kok Saya Cek Di Local Disk Ngak Ada Nama Foldernya
ReplyDelete@Zul Fikar: wah knp cari jauh2 bro,
ReplyDeletekan setelah diekstrak ada tuh folder Megaman X8 - RIP na buka foldernya cari setup.bat dan jalankan, setelah selesai maka akan muncul gamenya di folder yg sama. "ROCKMANX8.exe"
ReplyDeleteSebelumnya Kata Di INSTRUKSI DI Folder .txt katanya jalankan file bat. abis itu SetupReg.exe langsung ngak ada yang terjadi saya ngak lihat Folder yang sama,trus di setup reg itu kayak gambar nih :
trus close auto lagi
kalau bisa kasih video caranya
MAAF repotin soalnya saya ngak Punya Game YANG RIP. baru kali ini saya donlot megaman x8 trus FILE RIP
@Zul Fikar: masa gak liat setup.bat nya gan itu diatas SetupReg.exe...
ReplyDelete@Admin ISALGAMES | IsaL
ReplyDeleteiya saya tahu cuman pada saat klik setup.bat itu hanya kayak gini :
Trus saya Klik Sembarang deh di keyboard lalu keluar automatis gitu ngak ada effectnya seperti folder baru ?
Atau MEGAMAN X8 ini ngak support WIN 7 ?
ReplyDelete@Zul Fikar: wah klo itu sy kurang tau bang abis sy tes di windows XP aja. tp kayanya bisa deh bang di win 7..
ReplyDelete@Admin ISALGAMES | IsaL
ReplyDeleteemangnya klo di windows XP tu abis di setup bat. langsung ada file baru yang muncul ??
kayaknya ngak bisa di WIN 7
@Zul Fikar: Sudah saya tes di windows 7 gak ada masalah sama sekali. 100% Work
ReplyDeleteklo gak percaya silahkan liat gambar dibawah ini:
Semoga Bermanfaat.
Pertamanya Emangnya Kayak gini
Tidak Ada Thu instal kayak gituan.
soalnya saya pertamanya
ntar deh saya tess di pc saya yang lain
@Zul Fikar: iya coba dulu di pc lain.
ReplyDelete@Admin ISALGAMES | IsaL
ReplyDeleteTernyata PC Saya Yang Lain
thanks ^.^
@Zul Fikar: iya sama-sama, bagus deh klo gi2....
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ReplyDelete@Zul Fikar: trima kasih bxk gan. bukannya tdk mau tp sy pengen yg bertema game, kali aja agan punya yg kaya gi2...??
ReplyDelete@Admin ISALGAMES | IsaL
ReplyDeleteokelah Kalau Begitu
ReplyDeleteNgomong Ngomong Sudah Ada Ngak MEGAMAN X9 ??
@Zul Fikar: kurang tau jg gan sdh ada atau blm.
ReplyDeletekalo game rip megaman ini ada musiknya ga sih?? soalnya saya pernah download we9 rip version ga ada musiknya sama comentator'y. padahal di option udah di enable....
ReplyDeletethanks tolong dijawab ya :)
thx bro bwt gamenya... mantap
ReplyDeletewaduh mas bero, sayang banget voice japanese-nya ga ada...klo pilih voice japanese di awal malah ga bs dimaenin...pdhl klo ad voice japanese-nya bakal perfect mas bero XDDDD btw thx bgt ud upload game ini =D
ReplyDeletebtw cara save gamenya gimana ya ??
ReplyDeletethanks mas bro.:)