Driv3r PC Full Rip - Mediafire
Driv3r PC Full Rip - Mediafire | 399 Mb
Driv3r PC Full-Rip | English | PC | Size 399 MB | Publisher: Atari | Developer: Reflections | Genre: Mission-based Driving | ESRB: MATURE |ESRB Descriptors: Violence
The Driver series is helmed by an undercover cop named Tanner. This time around, Tanner is trying to infiltrate a Miami-based car thief ring, which is working to steal 40 exotic cars and ship them out of Miami. Part of the game's story involves finding out who the thieves in the car ring are working for, where the cars are going, and who's double-crossing whom. You'll start out in Miami, eventually make your way to Nice for some French car chases, and you'll also spend some time in Istanbul. The story is mostly told via prerendered cutscenes that fall somewhere between a music video and a movie in terms of style and inspiration. Generally speaking, the cutscenes look pretty good. In fact, the cutscenes are probably the best part about Driver 3.
Despite featuring three large cities to drive in, Driver 3's main mode is a linear, mission-based game that sends you on mission after mission until you've unraveled the game's story. Each mission has clear-cut objectives, like chasing after a guy who double-crossed your gang, stealing three cars and driving them into the back of a moving truck before the truck gets to its destination, or driving around on an enemy's turf and busting up the place by crashing through exploding barrels and other objects. At the end of every mission, you're given the option to save and then you can continue on to the next mission. The missions tend to vary from city to city, but the lackluster gameplay really prevents many of the missions from being much fun.
System requirements
- Windows 2000/XP
- Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 1.5GHz Processor
- 256MB RAM
- 5.5GB Hard Disk Space
- 4X CD-ROM Drive
- 64MB Video Card with Hardware T&L
- DirectX compatible Sound Card
- DirectX 9.0c

Mediafire Link :
mantappppppp thanks bro
ReplyDelete@Anonim: Iya sma2 bro...
ReplyDeletegan koq file download nya bs kecil dgn grafis skeren gtu? udh prnah di coba game nya gan ??
ReplyDelete@Anonim: namanya jg game RIP gan, gak prnh di coba gan, cuma share aja soalnya bxk yg request gan...
ReplyDeletegan ijin request gan Driver pararel lines tapi kalo bisa yang rip ya gan thanks
ReplyDelete@Anonim: nnti sy carikan boz...sering2 aja mampir kesni...
ReplyDeletemantep bener gan. request nya sdh ada
ReplyDeletecoll pisan :bd
@Anonim: iya gan silahkan di download....
ReplyDeletegan mana link driver yang pararel lines?
ReplyDeletehm............ tutor instalnya dong kang klo boleh tau nih hehehe
ReplyDeleteBro kenapa ya setelah di extrak dan uda jadi terus aku klik game driver3 exe gak bisa2 terus malah muncul tulisan: failed to create directX ya dan mohon solusinya Bro tks..
ReplyDelete@Tommy: update DirectX yang terbaru gan...
ReplyDelete@anonim sori gan gimana cara updatenya dan minta petunjuk saran dan sori gue kurang gape ni masalah update heheh
ReplyDelete@Tommy: cari di google aja bxk ko' gan...
ReplyDelete@anonim uda bro uda update tapi aneh gamenya gak kebuka juga bro tetep failed terus gan
ReplyDelete@Isal bro gimana ni aku uda coba berkali2 tetep gak bisa aja dimainkan muncul terus failed to create directX terus, dan please bantuannya bro tks
ReplyDelete@Tommy: sabar bro. ane download dulu.
ReplyDelete@Isal ok bro minta petunjuknya dan Resident evil 4 makasih uda bisa dimainkan, cuma sayang mati terus kalah dan ada cheatnya gak biar peluru gak abis dan senjata banyak ato gak mati terus hehehe makasih
ReplyDeleteBro gimana ni Driver 3 belum bisa jalan dan uda ada solusi belum tks
ReplyDelete@Tommy: sdh sy tes bro. masalahnya sama dgn yg bro alami. sy jg tes di PC sy yg lain jg ttp bgi2. tp sy mau tes jg di PC tmn sy kali aja bisa. n ntr sy kasi lgi review nya bro.
ReplyDeletemaaf atas ktdk nyamanannya bro.
Bro makasih ya dan saya tunggu petunjuk selanjutnya ... tks
ReplyDelete@Tommy: sdh sy tes di laptop sy gan dan bisa dimainkan walau masih ada pesan error katanya "DirectX not support" tp sdh bisa dimainkan ko'
ReplyDeletespek laptop sy:
OS : Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit
Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2310M CPU @2.10 GHz (4 CPUs) ~2.1 GHz
RAM : 2 GB
VGA : Intel(R) HD 3000
DirectX 11
jadi saran dari sy pake PC dengn spek lebih tinggi. hehehe
ya betul kali laptop ku cuma 1 gb ramnya kekecilan kali ya whahaha
ReplyDeletebos ini gimana... kok jadinya dos seh...
ReplyDeletebos gimana nie.. kok malah jadi prompt? cara instalnya gimana?
ReplyDeleteTergoda bgt sama game ini, cuma bnyk org ngeluh jadi ragu mau donlot...
ReplyDeleteplease help me about the error "failed to create directx .no supported display adapter presents:(
ReplyDeletedi mn donlot directX nya
ReplyDeletetest dulu gan !! sapa tw work , soalnya filenya lebih gede dari pd yg diatas
work di ane gan... hasek ...
ReplyDeletespes laptop ane
Laptop zyrex cruiser
- core i3
- intel gma
- ram 1gb
- hd 320
- directx 11
- win 7... NIce share gan/.
gan, klo vga cardnya geForce mx 4000 bisa gk? ku dah coba tapi yg keluar malah don't send
ReplyDeleteIjin Copas ke blog gue bang, sekalian gue iklanin ni blog..
ReplyDeletegan,linknya rusak
ReplyDeletemohon upload link yg baru,aku baru mau download game ni
ReplyDeletegak bisa di download mas isal.
ReplyDeletemedia fire selalu file not found