Hunted: The Demon's Forge - MediaFire
Hunted: The Demon's Forge Repack Black Box | 4.1 Gb
Hunted: The Demon’s Forge A team game in a fantasy world in which something is going wrong. From the ground came the terrible monster, and every day people disappear. Mercenaries Elara and Keddok, for the sake of rewards in the form of pure gold, are sent on a perilous journey to find out where people disappear. In the Hunted: The Demon’s Forge, together with a friend you have to fight numerous enemies, solve puzzles and unlock the secrets of the world’s Kala Moore.
Hunted: The Demon’s Forge A team game in a fantasy world in which something is going wrong. From the ground came the terrible monster, and every day people disappear. Mercenaries Elara and Keddok, for the sake of rewards in the form of pure gold, are sent on a perilous journey to find out where people disappear. In the Hunted: The Demon’s Forge, together with a friend you have to fight numerous enemies, solve puzzles and unlock the secrets of the world’s Kala Moore.
- The dark history. Fantasy adventure third-party action is based on the graphics technology of Unreal Engine 3. This means that you will travel at incredibly beautiful world and an impressive battle, accompanied by stunning special effects.
- One is a warrior. Combining E’lary ranged attacks and powerful punches Kaddoka, you’ll destroy enemies nicely and efficiently. In addition, the characters will be able to treat each other from any distance. Various combat tactics and strategies will overcome obstacles every time a new way.
- Deeper and deeper. Only by acting in conjunction with a partner, you’ll find hidden passages and solve puzzles in order to continue your journey into the underground. Explore a cave full of dangers, ancient ruins, and destroyed cities in order to get the treasures and artifacts.
- Two heroes – two ways. Plunge into the thick of battle, inflicting fatal blows with the sword strike enemies with arrows and spells from the shelter or to enhance mate by magic, so he can cope even with the most serious adversary? The choice is yours!
Minimum Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Processor: 2.0 GHz dual core or better
- Memory: 2 GB system RAM
- Graphics: 512 MB video RAM or better (GeForce 9800 GTX or better/Radeon HD 4330 or better)
- Hard Drive: 12 GB
- Sound: Windows compatible sound card
- OS: Windows Vista/7
- Processor: Intel Quad Core i5 or equivalent
- Memory: 3 GB system RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 / ATI Radeon HD 5830
- Hard Drive: 12 GB
- Sound: Windows compatible sound card
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hai admin ... can u post AREA 51 - RELOADED - in mediafire link - its about 1gb+ .... i download AREA 51 250MB ... but its didnt work ... advance thanksssss
ReplyDeleteWah yang ini juga keren gamenya, game petualangan ya? Ini kayak game god of wars, tapi kayaknya lebih seru nih. :)
ReplyDeletebookmark dlu ah game ini. :)
@ali: Sorry, there are only that.
ReplyDelete@Google Plus: ko' cuma di bookmark gan, langsung donlot aja...hehhe ^_^
haha koneksi lagi cacad mas, gak kuat koneksi.
ReplyDeletehah? tuh bener gak 4.1 MB sizenya? masa sih? apa gak 4.1 gb? bingung saya
@Apa itu Google Plus?: hahahah, kesalahan teknis mas, tuh sdh sy perbaiki, gara2 kebxkn posting nih mas...hahhahah ^_^
ReplyDeletewkwkw .. gpp lah ..
ReplyDeleteGile? berapa jam tuh, 3 jam aja belum tentu kelar. :D
@Apa itu Google Plus?: 1 hari 1 malam non stop mas... heheheh
ReplyDeleteHuiiiih,.... Mantap.... Blum slesai dunlut 1 game dah dteng lg game baru, BTW da cra dunlut lngsung 1 folder gk sh Bang >??? Ane dunlut sminggu bru 1 game waduuUuuuuuh.... Kpan sdot smuany neh ??? hihihi
ReplyDeleteThnks berat Pop Upny Bang !! MaknyooOoz ,... Huhhuy
@RizaL vm: gak bisa Bang masa download langsung 1 folder apalagi di mediafire...hehehhe pake IDM aja bang....
ReplyDeleteIya sama, makasi jg atas kunjungannya...
blogwalking + follow..
ReplyDeletefollback ya http://infotipsblogging.blogspot.com
Hokkeh Bang,... Ane jga pke IDM sh, tetep ja kcepatan modem ntu bisa d perhitungkan Bang. Ane Request dung Bang "EmuLatoR PS2 beserta Settingny" ... D tggu Bang
ReplyDeletehaha, kapan-kapan saya coba ya :)
ReplyDeletemantaps gan....
ReplyDeletetapi ukurannya besar banget...
internet lagi lemot juga,,,
kapan2 deh....
pasti seru ini gamenya
ReplyDelete@My Life Is Blogging: Ok segera ke TKP..
ReplyDelete@RizaL vm: yg ada baru emulator PS1 bang, mungkin besok sy posting Emu PS2...
@Cara Daftar Google Plus: ok deh gan, silahkan di coba...
@Efek Bubble: klo yang ini ukurannya besar, bxk ko' koleksi mini games n game RIP saya disini..
@Obat Sakit 2011: seru banget deh pokoknya...hehhehe
Hmm.. ndak bisa buat XP ya mas??
ReplyDeletesaya ndak suka w7 ma vista karena merepotkan..
btw, blog abang T-O-P!!!
Trus UPDATE bang RPG-nya
@Anjar blakraan: bisa gan di XP.
ReplyDeletemakasi atas kunjungannya gan.
Bang? part 10 ma 22 corrupt!!!
ReplyDeletehancur dah hati ane T_T
@Anjar Blakrakan: direpair dulu gan, baca tutorial.
donlot lagi ah 10 ma 22nya, mudah2an gak korup filenya..
@Anjar Blakrakan: LAPORAN DITERIMA.
ReplyDeleteMaaf atas ketidak nyamanannya Gan, oh iya maksi jg gan krn sdh dibantu menyebarluaskan blog ini.
Untuk penggemar Blog akang Isal semuanya neng JAGAD RAYA:
ReplyDeleteuntuk semua part yang korup, diharap direpair terlebih dahulu seperti pada TAB tutorial diatas (cara 1,2, dan 3) plus direpair via WINRARNYA itu sendiri (TOOLS>REPAIR ARCHIVE), bila tetep korup agan2 coba donlot lagi part yang korup tsb!!
terbukti untuk part10 ma 20 yang korup pada HUNTED DEMON FORGE ini tidak korup setelah donlot lagi. (kemungkinan pada waktu donlod, banwithnya lemot sehingga memungkinkan file yang disedot korup.. MAKLUM INDONESIA, donlot 100kb/second dah dianggap NGEBUT!!!)
lagi pula, untuk file server mediafire tidak mungkin menyimpan data yang korup. Tentunya mereka scaning dulu atau semacamnya sebelum menyimpan file upload-an dari seantero dunia akherat ini pada server2 mereka!! JADI, AGAN2 JANGAN MEMPERTANYAKAN KREDIBILITAS MEDIAFIRE DAN TENTUNYA BLOG ABANG ISAL INI.. krn itu, UPDATE trus BANG ISAL GAMENYA, Sukses buat abang!!!!!
@Anjar Blakrakan: ok makasi banyak gan,
ReplyDeletebetul kata agan gak mungki jg uploadernya mau upload klo filenya corrupt.
ini jg jadi kendala buat sya gan krn masalah sprti ini sering kali terjdi, dan saya liat para visitor blog ini gak mau membaca dulu sblm bertanya,
ada masalah langsung bertanya,
tp sebagai Admin sy harus sabar menghadapi visitor yg seperti ini krn memang sdh menjadi tgs sy, hehehe
sekali lagi thanks gan sdh memberikan komentar2 sprti ini, jgn bosan2 yah gan mampir ksini....
sdh saya instal gan tp gak ada file exe nya
ReplyDeletefile exe nya dmna gan?
ReplyDeletepart 16...have problem connection to downloads....reupload pls.....
ReplyDeletePart 16 cannot download , clicked 'Download' but nothing happen. Reupload please.. :(
ReplyDeleteplease reupload the part 15 cannot download
ReplyDeletei wait your answer
please reupload the part 15 to mediafire and send the link
i need your help friend
Shared Content Belongs to Suspended Account.
ReplyDelete.... bagaimana ini !!! pleaseee.... reupload