Theatre Of War 3 Korea - Mediafire
Theatre Of War 3 Korea | 1.2 Gb
Replay the events of the first hot war of the Cold War era, the Korean War, also known as the Forgotten War. Players will be involved in two campaigns, both set in the 1950's: the North Korean (June 25 - August 20) and the American (September 15 - October 8). In this title tactical engagement experts can test their skills on a new strategic level. Move your forces over the entire Korean Peninsula, managing reserves, as well as the fuel and ammo supplies. Tactical battles in Theatre of War 3: Korea are generated based on the strategic situation.
Minimum System Requirements:
Windows XP/Vista/7
Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
3.5 GB hard disk space
256 MB Video Card (ATI Radeon X1900 or NVidia GeForce 6600)
Windows XP/Vista/7
Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
3.5 GB hard disk space
256 MB Video Card (ATI Radeon X1900 or NVidia GeForce 6600)

Mediafire Link :
gan posting game strategi yg bnyk gan ..... maju trus
ReplyDelete@Anonim: ok gan, ntr sy perbanyak lagi game strategy nya..!!!
ReplyDeleteMakasih gan, game yang OK, tapi rar password-nya apa ya..? Kok dibilang wrong password..??
ReplyDelete@Anonim: password unrar: www.gamehousevn.com
ReplyDeleteOe... cika... apa serial nambernya ini game?
ReplyDelete@anjoel: pake crack cika, jd tdk perlu pake SN...
ReplyDeletesory cika saya kurang ngerti, cara pake kracknya bagaimana? soalnya saya sudah coba satu-satu tapi ngga ada yang berhasil!
ReplyDelete@anjoel: Copy cracknya ke folder install game... biasanya ada di C:\Program Files/.......
ReplyDeleteok cika udah main mi...............
ReplyDeletesaya mau nanya nihh.. sya udah download tpi pas mau install parameter is incorrect, klo di windows 7 error function.. ini masalahnya apa ya?? mohon pencerahannya
ReplyDeletegame apa ini?
ReplyDeletewahhh untuk Isal makasih bgt yaa :)... akhirnya sya bisa main game ini, skrng sya udah ga ngiler lgi di youtube liatin orang main game ini
ReplyDeleteGan... aku udah download part 1 smpai 7, terus aku ekstrak di part 7 kok g bisa y... tulisannya gini gan wrong password
ReplyDeletemantap gan makasih banyak ye gan ane dah bisa maen nya nih...