Soldiers: Heroes of World War II - Mediafire
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Soldiers: Heroes of World War II | 1.6 Gb |
Soldiers: Heroes of World War II is the first in a series of real-time tactics video games set in World War II, developed by or under the supervision of Ukrainian company Best Way. While the most widely distributed edition by Codemasters bears the name Soldiers: Heroes of World War II, its original English language title is Outfront. The player can take control of American, British, Russian, or German forces to play out battles that are set in World War II. The game is primarily a strategy game, but the player can take control of his or her forces and direct them with the keyboard and mouse for additional depth of control.
- 30 Multiple missions across a diversity of locations
- 105 modelled vehicles with realistic capabilities
- With two distinct levels of control
Minimum System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows 98/2000/ME/XP
- Pentium III or Athlon at 1GHz or equivalent
- RAM: 256 MB
- Video Memory: 32 MB
- Hard Drive Space: 2000 MB
- DirectX Version: v9.0
Recommended System Requirements
- Pentium 4 at 2GHz or AthlonXP 2000+ or equivalent
- RAM: 512 MB

Mediafire Link :
Download | Soldiers: Heroes of World War II - Mediafire
Password MediaFire:
Password RAR:
Password RAR:
Langsung ke TKP....sedot abizzzzz
gabisa di extract...
ReplyDelete@amyluna ashidiq: gak bisa gmn gan...?? error yah...???
ReplyDelete@Isal Canceryoyoi pas ane extract wrong passw terus
ReplyDelete@amyluna ashidiq: oh maaf gan atas kekeliruannya, coba liat passwordnya di sini: Password
ReplyDeletegan,saya sudah coba berkali-kali passwordnya,tapi tetap gak bisa di extrak....ada password lain gak?
ReplyDelete@Anonim: Password ada dalam file download namax: Password - (isalgames.blogspot.com).txt, smua password ada di si2 gan....
ReplyDeletetetap gak bisa di extrak juga gan,ane udh coba passwordnya. katanya file corrupt or wrong password. padahal udh 2x ane download filenya. mohon bantuannya dong gan..
ReplyDeletenih mas, hanya sedikit membantu, muda2han bermanfaat...!!!
ReplyDeletePassword Mediafire:
Password Unrar:
kalau ada yg file yg corrupt baca di sini: http://isalgames.blogspot.com/2011/05/tips-and-trick-isalgamesblogspotcom.html
Gan part nya eror gmna nih
ReplyDelete@Anonim: kalau ada yg file yg corrupt baca di sini: http://isalgames.blogspot.com/2011/05/tips-and-trick-isalgamesblogspotcom.html
ReplyDeletesama afa gan dah di coba semua cara masih aja
ReplyDeleteRe-upload please.
ReplyDeleteGan pass unrarnya apa..dah dicoba www.gamehousevn.com gak bisa
ReplyDeletewhats the f*** password? nothing works
ReplyDeletesama ky orang2 ga bisa extraxxxx rar nya gan!
ReplyDeleteijin sedot gan barang kali kali ini bener passwd nya dah 2X ane wrong pass truss
ReplyDeletethank hidup ISAL!!!!
Maaf Gan,
ReplyDeletePassword selain yang tertera di atas ada nggak?
Soalnya saya nggak bisa extract file gamenya.
Bila perlu, sodorkan pula password2 yang biasa digunakan di mediafire, supaya bisa di coba satu2.
@satriawinarah: Semua password mediafire hanya isalgames.blogspot.com dan kalaupun bkn pasti sy tuliskan diatas.
ReplyDeleteoh iya untuk password RAR game ini bisa di coba yg ini gan: horizon27@jokergameth.com
Bisa atau tdk tolong infonya gan.
password unrar yang baru, Bisa gan...
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih banyak ya...
Saya akan terus mengunjungi blog ini
@satriawinarah: OK sama-sama gan.
ReplyDeletekok SS nya beda ada Company of heroes?
ReplyDeleteGame ini bisa diinstal di windows7 kah Bro...???