Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Mediafire

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 | 6,1 Gb

After seven years, Red Alert returns After a time travel mission goes awry,
a new superpower has been thrust onto the world stage and World War III is
raging. The Empire of the Rising Sun has risen in the East, making WW III a
three-way struggle between the Soviets, the Allies, and the Empire with
armies fielding wacky and wonderful weapons and technologies such as Tesla
coils, heavily armed War Blimps, teleportation, armored bears, intelligent
dolphins, floating island fortresses, and transforming tanks. Experience
the next chapter of the Red Alert saga.
a new superpower has been thrust onto the world stage and World War III is
raging. The Empire of the Rising Sun has risen in the East, making WW III a
three-way struggle between the Soviets, the Allies, and the Empire with
armies fielding wacky and wonderful weapons and technologies such as Tesla
coils, heavily armed War Blimps, teleportation, armored bears, intelligent
dolphins, floating island fortresses, and transforming tanks. Experience
the next chapter of the Red Alert saga.
1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game (Run Crack\rld-ra3k.exe to get the key)
4. Copy over crack from rld-ra3cCRACKFIXcampaign.rar to your install dir
5. Play the game, make sure to firewall the exe from going online or the
game will nag you about installing updates constantly
1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game (Run Crack\rld-ra3k.exe to get the key)
4. Copy over crack from rld-ra3cCRACKFIXcampaign.rar to your install dir
5. Play the game, make sure to firewall the exe from going online or the
game will nag you about installing updates constantly

Windows XP SP2, AMD Athlon 3000+/Intel P4 2.2GHz or equivalent, 1GB of RAM, 6GB free on HD, nVidia GeForce 6 series/ATI X800 or better, DX9c or 10 compatible sound.
Recommended: Windows Vista SP1, AMD Athlon X2 (3500+)/Intel Core 2 Duo (2.6GHz) or equivalent, 2GB of RAM, 10GB free on HD, nVidia GeForce 6800 or better/ATI X900 or better.
An internet connection is required to activate for online gaming.
Windows XP SP2, AMD Athlon 3000+/Intel P4 2.2GHz or equivalent, 1GB of RAM, 6GB free on HD, nVidia GeForce 6 series/ATI X800 or better, DX9c or 10 compatible sound.
Recommended: Windows Vista SP1, AMD Athlon X2 (3500+)/Intel Core 2 Duo (2.6GHz) or equivalent, 2GB of RAM, 10GB free on HD, nVidia GeForce 6800 or better/ATI X900 or better.
An internet connection is required to activate for online gaming.

Mediafire Link :
part yang ke 60 tidak ada tolong kalo ada kasih alamatnya kesisi sdintegral@yahoo.com
ReplyDelete@Anonim: file ke 3 dari bawah itu part60 bro...!!!
ReplyDeletegan itu yang part 51 koq gk bisa di download sih.?
ReplyDeletetolong di benerin dong gan linknya.
@Anonim: bisa gan, mungkin jaringan atau browser agan yg lagi bermasalah....
ReplyDeleteuntuk menggabungkan menggunakan hjsplit atau yg lain?
ReplyDeletenah gan sekarang ane mau tanya ini ko filenya corrupt.?
ReplyDeletepercuma dong ane download. ~_~
@Anonim: baca disini gan: http://isalgames.blogspot.com/2011/05/tips-and-trick-isalgamesblogspotcom.html
ReplyDeletetetep gk bisa gan.
ReplyDeletecoba tolong dong gan file yang part 61 sama 62 diperiksa, yang corrupt cuman itu doang kayanya.
tolong gan, ane udah seminggu download ini game, masa pas selesai malah corrupt.
please gan.
@Anonim: wah gimana yah gan, padahal semua jurus sy untuk mengatasi file yg corrupt sdh ada di Some Guides diatas, klo smua cara itu gak ada yg berhasil, ntr sy carikan link alternatif untuk part 61 sama 62
ReplyDeletegan ternyata yang eror itu file part 60 sama 62.
ReplyDeletetolong di carikan ya gan.
please. :)
file part 60 sudah kedownload tapi dicek te2p eror beda format dengan part atas dan bawahny... tolong pembenahan pada part 60...
ReplyDelete@yanu: sy sementara mencari link alternatif untuk part 60 nya gan, sabar yah....
ReplyDeletepart 60: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?xl93xbf825qx7lr
ReplyDeletepart 62: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jvyxcyhv3cy9qsy
ok trimakasih gan... oya... ni all fileny Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, di join atau diextract dulu setelah semua didownload?pke hjsplit, fsjs atau allzip?
ReplyDelete@yanu: iya sama gan, file nya diextract dulu gan...
ReplyDeleteanda uploadny kurang 1 file gan... kalau download di file torrent... anda mungkin diextract dlu baru anda upload file yang rld-ra3.rar
ReplyDelete@yanu: oh iya gan..! sekrng sdh lengkap silahkan di priksa link download diatas...
ReplyDeleteok dh bsa dimainkan gan.. tanq...
ReplyDelete@yanu: ok gan klo gi2, selamat menikmati gamenya....
ReplyDeletepass buat unlocked apa yah??
ReplyDeleteGan bisa minta link nya ditulis aj ne blog ne 1 1 gtu, biar mudah didunlut!!! gtu!! soalnya engine mediafire nya susah bnget ngebuka!!! thank
ReplyDeletehaloo... part yang 10, 13, 14 gk bs yach?
ReplyDeleteerror, gmn dunk...
q pgn maen game ini buaaangeeettt....
thanks ya....
error nih corupt ..padahal dah selesai download ukuran nya juga sama ttp gak bisa . . . ada solusi gak gan???
ReplyDeleteiya nih pas di extrak kok semuanya corrupt gan...ukuran file nya juga sama ......ada solusi gak gan ????
ReplyDeletegan gmn ini gan kok minta reg melulu ?? aku masukkan kodenya kok tetep gk mau ????
ReplyDeletegan saya ga ngerti cara jalankan gamenya file udah saya download semua ada yang format RAR ada sebagian tidak.trus saya ekstrak filenya jd 6,sekian giga trus saya ga tau lagi cara jalankannya.mhn pencerahan gan.udah ga sabar
ReplyDeletegan game udah bisa jalan cuma pada waktu play dia minta koneksi internet gan.Apa gamenya ga bs maen offline internet ya gan.tolong dibalas gan.pleaseeeeeeeeeee............hhhhheeelllppppp mmmmeeee........
ReplyDeletepart 39 seems to have a problem pls check it... since its the part only part i couldnt download... thank you
ReplyDeletethank u it has been reolved.. maybe it gt good automatically!!
ReplyDeletepart 48 seems to be saying restricted access thank u
ReplyDeletegan kok acount agan suspend??
ReplyDeleteupload ulang donk kk :(