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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shogun 2 : Total War - Mediafire

Shogun 2 : Total War - Mediafire

Shogun 2 : Total War
Shogun 2 : Total War | 12.20 Gb

The middle of the XVI century. Feudal Japan, formerly under the authority of the emperor, fragmented and divided among numerous warring clans. In the role of Daimyo - the leader of one of them - the player to fight, solve diverse economic issues and lead a fine diplomatic game to achieve the main goal: to stop the internecine feuds and unite the country under his reign, becoming the ruler of all Japan.


* Nine clans - the strengths and weaknesses.
Lead one of the nine factions that existed in feudal Japan. Among them - the mighty warrior clan Oda and very powerful Tokugawa family. Under your strict guidance of any of the clans will be able to come to power.

* The power of eloquence.
Daimyo and generals, as in the game Rome Total War, will try to inspire their armies to combat exploits. The game has more than 100,000 variants of speeches, depending on the nature of the speaker, the location of troops and the relationship with the enemy.

* The siege war.
Japanese way of the siege are significantly different from those used by Europeans and the castle can be a deadly trap. During the siege and the defenders and attackers can use the most variety of tactics of warfare.

* Impregnable fortress.
Locks of different types can be improved by building capacity of five levels, which means that the attacker would need to use different methods and techniques of siege. Assault on the external walls and capture the inner court - the first steps on the path to glory.

* All-weather warfare.
For the first time in history a series of battles take place in all seasons. The season will depend on field conditions, as well as state and mood of the army. All this will have an important influence on the choice of strategy and tactics of warfare.

* Beauty of Japan.
Wild severe mountains, picturesque valley and blooming cherry trees - thanks to that used in the draft of a new system for building terrain, players will lead the battle in different regions of the country radically different landscape.

* Sengoku-Pedia
In the game the encyclopedia can be found plenty of useful information about the Japanese troops and technologies, as well as learn interesting historical facts. With it you can better understand their enemies, learn their strengths and weaknesses.

* Morals and morale.
For the first time appeared on the battlefields of the structure, which have a psychological impact on soldiers during the battle. Protection or seizure of monasteries and temples, the ruin of the enemy's shrines - all this affects the morale of the troops.

* Historical battles.
Challenging but very exciting challenge for virtual commanders will participate in the famous historical battles, including a battle near the village of Sekigahara.

* On land and at sea.
Total War: SHOGUN 2 - first draft of the series, which can lead the battle on land and at sea at the same time. Ply between the islands, use the features of the coast, fog and other weather phenomena to gain an advantage over the enemy. Skillfully building up their ships at the waterfront and between the islands, create traps and the enemy impose his tactics.

* Perfect Soldiers.
Soldiers-heroes - the soldiers are truly unique. Their power and military courage are so large that they can turn the tide of battle. Even a hero with a handful of teammates can destroy many enemies. In addition, he will seek to engage in combat with a warrior like myself, to defend the honor of his clan.

Operating System:
Microsoft Windows XP (SP3) / Windows Vista (SP1) / Windows 7
Processor: Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo 2,4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2,8 GHz
Memory: 1 GB (2 GB for Vista / 7)
Hard drive space: 20 GB
Sound device: compatible with DirectX
Video Card: Radeon HD 2600 Pro / nVidia GeForce 7900 GS with 256 MB VRAM

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Shogun 2 : Total War - Mediafire Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: IsalCancer

24 komentar:

  1. Gan klo bisa link downloadnya di enterupload aja gan, soalnya EU nga ribet donlot nya thakz

  2. @alex: iya gan sy usahakan, makasi atas kunjungan N sarannya....

  3. kk ini semua di download stiap file nya ko beda ya misal rar 01 di dlem nya ada disc 1 dan disc 2 trus di rar 38 cma ada disc 01 itu pa gpp ya...?

  4. bang ini sudah ama crack nya ga bang...?

  5. @Anonim: Crack:

  6. bang cara instal nya gmana bang nie gems..????????

  7. bang admin ini gimana installnya....
    aku dah donlot semua partnya...
    partnya di gabung pake hj split apa ga???
    mohon pencerahannya ya...

  8. @sandre: gak usah pake hj split langsung ekstrak aja part 1 nya pake winrar.

  9. terus langsung install ajah gitu???

  10. gan, yang jadi file installernya apa???
    koq malah adanya steam.exe???

  11. Wah gede amat sizenya >,<
    Brapa hari yah comot ne game ...?

  12. bro,,klo bs yg game yg filenya gde2 di compres aj biar dkitan,,thx

  13. Gan koq link part mediafire nya ada yg ngga bisa di download dari nih game..di antara nya part 25,26,39..sebelum nya thx dah bagi2 game2 menarik gan..tolong bantuan nya untuk pemecahan masalah q gan..coz q dah terlanjur download banyak part yg laen nya..thx..di tunggu kabar baik nya gan.

  14. @Motar: link gak ada masalah gan, coba bersihkan dulu history browsernya

  15. thx gan atas saran nya dan memang manjur kaya jamu ajah..hahaha..mohon bantuan nya lg gan klo ntar instal nya saya mengalami kesulitan..GO! trs buat ^^

  16. gan mohon bantuan nya lagi nih..sdh saya ekstrak smua rar nya pke winrar, muncul file berformat mdx disc 1 dan 2..sesudah itu harus di gimanain lg nih gan biar bisa di instal???

  17. @Motar: pake daemon tools atau power iso..

  18. gan thx atas info nya lg, o iya ini instal steam nya minta kode aktivasi, kode aktivasi nya apa'an yah gan???..mohon bantuan nya lg..

  19. thanks berat gan, ane lg nyari" nih game. :D

  20. Can you help me, i cant download part 10 thats the only part i need
    pls help me.



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