Sniper Elite V2 - SKIDROW | Indowebster
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Sniper Elite V2 - SKIDROW | Indowebster |
Sniper Elite V2-SKIDROW| Publisher: 505 Games | Developer: Rebellion | Genre: First-Person Action | Platform: PC | Size: 5.12 GB | Release Date: 02-05-2012
The sequel to the highly-acclaimed 2005 game Sniper Elite, Sniper Elite V2 continues to offer gamers the most authentic World War II sniping experience by putting them in the middle of war-torn Berlin amidst the frenzied final battle between German and Russian forces. With an emphasis on learning to handle the anticipation and pressure of the hunt, players are forced to use skill, patience and cunning to achieve their missions as they find themselves facing life-altering choices. The celebrated “bullet cam” from Sniper Elite makes its return and will be more gratifying than ever. Skillful shots are rewarded with a slow-motion sequence of the bullet running its full trajectory from barrel to target as well as featuring graphic detail of the effects of the bullet entering and destroying a target.
Minimum System Requirements
- OS: Windows Vista/7
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
- Memory: 2 Gb
- Hard Drive: 10 Gb free
- Video Memory: 512 Mb
- Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3870
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 10
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- DVD Rom Drive
- Join with FFSJ or HJSplit
- Mount or burn image
- Install
- Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation
- Play the game
- Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy

# Status : Good Link
# Tested by Me @Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit
Coy link IDWS yang kedua kagak bisa =_=
ReplyDelete@Radite: bisa ko' gan... gak ada masalah... coba aja lgi gan...
ReplyDelete@Smpislam Almuttaqien: disini bisa gan... atau mungkin server indowebster lgi down... coba aja lgi gan...
ReplyDeletelink part 2 nya ga bisa gan. 404 file not found -_-
ReplyDeleteuntuk mas bro2 yg di atas ane,, ane udah donlot,, emang sih server idws suka down... coba ente reload,, kalo gak bisa tunggu beberapa saat, ntar reload lagi....
ReplyDeleteuntuk om mimin isal: waktu ane nginstal nih game,koq ada pesan errornya nih??? katanya file nya corrup,, di retry gak bisa, di ignore juga gak bisa,, cuma abort aja yg bisa mas... gimana ceritanya ini???
@Noegraha: coba di periksa baik2, mungkin ada file yg kehapus, krn sy tes di sini baik2 saja... gak ada masalah...
ReplyDeletefile nya corrupt, ga bisa instal direct x
ReplyDeleteudah ane periksa mas mimin,, gak ada file yg ane hapus,, file nya komplit dari .001 sampai .011,,
ReplyDeletejoin nya lancar2 aja... iso nya juga jalan,, tapi pas instal ada pesan error nya,, katanya file corrupt di bagian direct x,, sama kayak mas kim42bl di atas ane nih...
waktu di install...errorr gan directx.. betul kata agan noegraha n kim42bl... ada solusi gak gan isal...thx before....keep posting
ReplyDelete@ALL: thanks atas laporannya bro... sy coba install ulang lgi game ini.. tp sebelumnya sy install gak ada masalah ko'... sabar yah mas bro...
ReplyDeletesipppp om mimin... yg semangat.......
ReplyDeletetQ n sukses slalu buat IG :)
**note: kalo bisa om mimin install file yg dari idws, bukan file yg udah ada sama om,, ane curiga sama file yg di idws nih,, dulu ane sring dapat file2 rusak d idws, setelah ane cari tau, servernya emang suka down,, n file yg rusak2 itu biasanya di upload waktu server down,, sekian dari ane buat om mimin... :)
@Noegraha: makasi atas dukungannya gan... sdh sy download ulang file diatas... betulan error.. ternyata usut punya usut yg error ada di file (Setup-1c.bin & Setup-1d.bin)... untuk 2 file itu sdh sy upload ulang... jdi silahkan download DISINI dan ganti file (Setup-1c.bin & Setup-1d.bin) nya kemudian install... semoga berhasil.
ReplyDeletetrima kasih om mimin.... siiippp dah nih... :)
ReplyDeletebtw, cara gantinya gimana lagi nih min?? apa di keluarin dulu isi iso nya??
@Noegraha: iya sma2... ekstrak aja iso nya... trus ganti file (Setup-1c.bin & Setup-1d.bin) yg lama... selesai deh...
ReplyDeleteMin, ane bermasalah lagi nih,,
ReplyDeleteproses Install nya udah komplit, tapi pas di eksekusi, knapa gak jalan gamenya ya??? gak ada keluar apa2...
@Noegraha: OS apa...? klo win7 coba buka pake run as administrator...
ReplyDeletesippp dah,, crack nya yg bermasalah min,, hehehe...
ReplyDeleteudah Okeh ini... TQ :)
mas,yang part 3 kok error mulu ya...
ReplyDeletepart 1,2,4,5 gak ada masalah,tapi yang part 3 susah gagal terus.
sudah 3 hari coba download part3 msh gak bisa nih...
indowebsternya lg error kah? d tempatku g error terus. padahal udah file ke 22.
ReplyDeletemin, ada tulisan "the program can't start" padahal skidrownya udah d copy. minta bantuannya donk...
ReplyDeleteBro.. Itu part 10 yang error.. Beda sizex.. Makax corrupt pas install.. Gak tau untuk part 11-nya..
ReplyDeletegak bisa play gan... pas nginstall ada yg Corupt..
ReplyDeleteSetup-1c.bin & Setup-1d.bin semua partnya ga bisa didonload om
ReplyDelete@SyahidMaaf admin yang tidak bisa part1, part2 dan part4, mohon diperbaiki
ReplyDeleteemang idws lg error kok, jd yg sbar aja>>>>>
ReplyDeleteSemua File sudah saya download! Tetapi saya bingung dalam penginstalan! mohon pencerahannya! sukses trz isalgames! thx
ReplyDeletepas install ada file yg corrupt gan.. padahal dah donlot lama2 nih :D itu biasanya yg corrupt gara2 pas donlot atau pas proses joinnya ya gan??
ReplyDeleteCara Join file rar bgymna??
ReplyDeleteThe Program can't start because D3DCOMPILER_43.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
ReplyDeleteTolong pencerahannya! Thx!
gan kok waktu nginstalnya file kedeteksi corupt?
ReplyDeleteom link part 15 rusak, coba cek dah, thanks
ReplyDeletegimana nih donlot nya masbroo?
ReplyDeletekayak e part 10nya gan
ReplyDeletepliss d upload lg dong gan
Admin Isal...
502 Bad Gateway
Seharian diulang ulang ngak bisa download juga, tolong Admin Upload ulang please...
Instal pertama yg 27 part dibilang The Program can't start because D3DCOMPILER_43.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
Thank GAN atas perhatiannya..
om itu semua part nya udah di cek ga ?
ReplyDeletentar udah capek ngedownload ga bisa ???