Dungeons: Game Of The Year Edition - Mediafire
Game Dungeons: Game Of The Year Edition adalah prefek bundel bagi siapa saja yang mungkin telah terjawab ini permata humor hitam. Berisi sepenuhnya up to date versi Dungeons serta dua bungkus DLC dengan lebih dari 37 peta pemain tunggal di lima mode permainan yang berbeda (termasuk semua baru Pi ± ata modus permainan) ditambah poster eksklusif sisi ganda.
Minimum System Requirements
- OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
- CPU: Intel Pentium DualCore 2.0 GHz
- RAM: 2 GB
- HDD: 2 GB free disk space
- Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
- DirectX: Version 9
1. Unpack the files with WinRar or equivalent
2. Burn or mount the .iso file
3. Install the game
4. Run the update located in FiGHTCLUB folder on the DVD
It will update the game to version
5. Run the game, block it from accessing internet in firewall
or by other means. If successfully blocked it will nag about
no internet connection found
6. Enter this serial when prompted:
7. Play the game and if you like it BUY it!
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taru link ini di blog anda: http://anugerahwardana.blogspot.com dan saya sudah memasang blog anda di blog saya silahkan liat di tukeran link blog saya.!
ReplyDeletefilenya udah di delete sama pihak mediafire gan, tolong di perbaiki lagi dong gan, please, thx
ReplyDeletegan nanya, pas ane install we9 full version kok minta registration code????????????????????????????????
ReplyDeletebrp reegistration code nya
link mediafire udah ilang gan, ganti plzz idws gan