Deep Black - IDWS
Release Name: Deep.Black.Reloaded-SKIDROW | Genre: Action | Size: 2.3 GB | Publisher: Biart | Developer: Just A Game | Platform: PC
The Deep Black : Reloaded is a video game in the ôActionö genre (third person shooter). Deep Black features extensive gameplay (40 single player missions in 4 different environments) that offers a mix of terrestrial and underwater battles, which so far has no direct analogues in this genre in the global video games market. The sci-fi project with detailed action-packed underwater combats will feature a new trend in TPS genre. Exciting gameplay suggests using both environments for combats: land and underwater. The unique setting of Deep Black comprises an immersive story line, complex science-fiction mystery, espionage and bio-terror.
The story line runs up in the nearest future in the world of unsteadiness, chaos, espionage, terrorism, desperate fight for world supremacy and possession of sophisticated biological weapon. Usage of realistic physical effects in the underwater environment enforces players to feel all the deepness of fear and unpredictability of combats in Deep Black. Players will take to the murky depths armed with a wrath of underwater equipment from specialized underwater suit with jet pack and integrated harpoon and other high tech equipment in pursuit of enemies. With the majority of the game play taking place below the waterÆs surface, action-adventure fans will need to master new skills to fight hostile enemies and infiltrate enemy bases.
- OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
- Processor: 2.4 GHz dual core
- Memory: 1.5 GB RAM (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7)
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8000 series or ATI Radeon HD 2000 series or better
- DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
- Hard Drive: 10 GB
- Unpack the release
- Mount or burn image
- Install
- Copy everything from the SKIDROW/Crack folder into the game installation
- Play the game
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Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^
Tested By Me @ Windows 7 Ultimate x86
weww hebaat
ReplyDeletelah kok gak bisa? tulisannya eror file 4567_dll? gan isal gimana tuh
ReplyDeleteijin download gan.
ReplyDeletedownload font
what serial number of the game?????
ReplyDeletegame resource damage.pls reinstall with the original installer.....how to fix it????huhuhu...it close while play the games...
ReplyDeletePertama masuk ini game dy minta serial number. Trs q cuekin tapi bisa main cm bentar trs keluar tulisan kaya yg ngmng di atas saya game resource damage.pls reinstall with the original installer. Tolong Kang Isal pencerahannya . . . . .
ReplyDeletekayaknya keren ne game.
ReplyDeleteHunter Files
gan, kok sewaktuu sayaa udaa masuk ke gamenya, tulisannya cuma kayaa kotak" item, trus pas iseng" klik masuk ke ke gamenya mungkin klik yg easy ato ap gtuu, tpii gambarnya cumaa warna biru trus ad kotak' item gtuu..
ReplyDeleteituu knpaa yaa ??
Lebih baik gak usah pada download di sini. Adminnya cm bisa share brng rusak tapi gak mw tanggung jawab. Saya jg lama2 download eh malah gak bisa buat main. Giliran dikomen tritnya malah gak diblz2.
ReplyDeleteSerial Number nya mana mas
ReplyDeleteBener tuh kata om abdoel..."
ReplyDeleteSaya sudah download tiga game dari sini tapi ga ada yang kepake satupun......"
Nanya masalah sama adminnya malah cuek....."
Blog gak bermutu...."
Kalo mau DL game mendingan dari sini aja om om,
kemaren ane nyari deep black ada disana + crack dan cara menggunakan serial numbernya..."
Layanan adminnyapun keren langsung respon.
Gak kaya di sini ga bertanggung jawab.
blog gembel, main asal share aja tpi gk tanggung jawab soal game yg di share, cape2 gw download tpi tauny gk bsa, aaaagghh! sial
ReplyDeletebuat para orang yg baca, mending jngn download dimari
blog tahi ni emang.. semua gamenya rata2 bermasalahhh. assasins creed brotherhood udah banyk yang ngeluhin gak diresponn.. cs go juga filenya gk sesuai ama petunjuknya malah gua download di tempat laen cocok ga ada masalah.. dikira download game cuma di blog ini aja!! ni servernya yang sombong atau emang bodo banget, ga bisa ngelayanin dengan baik, parahhh!!! capek2 download gak bisa dimainin!! asal share aja gk di chek dulu filenya,
ReplyDeleteDaripada cari game disini mending di >PCGAMETUBES.BLOGSPOT.COM< lebih menjamin bro...,,
ReplyDeletemantaaaaaaapppppp.... banyak game yang ane cari ada dsni
ReplyDeletekok gamenya crashed ya..?? Kira2 kenapa ??
ReplyDeleteLink sebelumnya sdh di hapus dari mediafire, jdi sy ganti dgn link yg baru, link yg di atas sy upload sendiri, sy test sendiri 10000% work pake windows 7. jd jgn ragu untuk download game ini. Thanks
ReplyDeleteKunjung balik =>ADMIN-RIDHO.BLOGSPOT.COM
ReplyDeleteUtk yg di atas, blog ku ja... cukup bertanggung jawab (Silahkan menilai sendiri)tapi baru minigames, blum sanggup upload game hard...
ReplyDeletepass rar @ eror gan....
ReplyDeletetlong di cek balik gan...
@Maura Maulinapass sdh cocok ko'... coba pass nya ketik manual aja... trus perhatikan jg nama filenya sma atau tidak...
ReplyDeletekok byak yg ngekuh sih, bilang game.a eror ???
ReplyDeleteprasaan lancar" aja pas Q mainin,,, cma yg hrus d'perhatikan part"nya yng sdag d'download harus sma dgn yg dri server download.a !!!
rubah mnual nama fiel.a, nda akan ada msalah!!!
udah berapa game ya zy sdot dri sni smuanya oke" sja kok,,,
makanya baca petunjuknya d'halaman ini jgan asal main sedot aja, pasti bingung,,
terbukti gameQ 1000% jalan dgn mulus , tpi pke game boster, coz ram laptopQ cma 1G,,,
mkasi buat adminnya,,, moga sukses !!!!! tmbah b'kembang situsnya !!
syukur aja lho pade di upload kan game gratis,., ngatain macem2.
ReplyDeletedsr gk tau trima ksh
ini game lancar2 aja ko pada ngeluh sih?
ReplyDeletesaya donlot disini trus instal n saya mainkan
dan sekarang hampir tamat..
ga ada kendala sama sekali...
saya instal di win 7 64bit
lancar jaya gan isal
thanx ya
gak tau jg tuh gan... gitulah org2 yg gak tau terima kasih....
ReplyDeletesy jg tes ko dan gak ada masalah...
Buat agan Whyn Jr, Kekok n alblacknred thanks dah mampir n berkomentar.... jgn bosan2 mampir ke blog ini yah... :D
emag orang tu mau na enak ja,, gak da usaha na,,, dah di kasih game bukan trima kasih,,, musti na bvlajar dulu cara instal na,,, jgan ngata2in orag ja,,,
ReplyDelete@acut: betul banget gan... makasi atas kunjungan n komentarnya yah mas bro...
ReplyDeletepart 6 nya gbs d download, ada link alternatif gak kk?
ReplyDeletegan part 4 sama 6 link IDWS error tu ..
ReplyDeletebnerin dong ...
gan part 4 dan 6nya benerin dong,,
ReplyDeletepliss gw pgn maen ni..
Om ADM ,maaf dibantu untuk part 4 nya "404 Not Found"