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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Agricultural Simulator 2011 Gold Edition - MediaFire

Agricultural Simulator 2011 Gold Edition - MediaFire

Agricultural Simulator 2011 Gold Edition | 304 Mb

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The complete Agricultural Simulator allows you to ride many genuine CLAAS tractors. Choose between many different models of tractors, combines, extensions and hangers. Sell your products and invest in better equipment. More powerful machines will help you farm bigger areas. As striving farmer, you have to invest carefully to maximize the crop. Don't kick over the traces or you won't be able to upgrade your farm and buy more land. Choose the right seed from different types of grains like barley, rye, or wheat or decide to grow canola or corn. The harvest can be used as animal food, new seed as well as product to be sold on the market. Always have an eye on the market prices so you don't come out with losses after all the work

Features :
  • Optimized and faster engine for higher performance
  • Vehicle models, physics and movement have been reworked and improved
  • New visual effects and graphic options
  • Configurable day and night sky
  • Improved 3D map
  • More streets, a gas station and a new village have been added
  • New places to sell your products
  • Multiplayer mode now has chat
  • Support for Joysticks and Gamepads
  • Improved AI traffic
  • New helper system
  • Fully configurable keyboard control

Minimum Requirement:
  • Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Pentium 4 2.0 GHz
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 750 MB hard disk space
  • 256 MB Video Card (ATI Radeon X1300 or NVidia GeForce 6600)

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Mediafire Link :
Part 1 | Part 2

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Agricultural Simulator 2011 Gold Edition - MediaFire Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: IsalCancer

10 komentar:

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