The Mark RIP - IDWS
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The Mark RIP - IDWS | 293 MB |
English | PC | Developer: T7 Games | Publisher: DreamCatcher Interactive | 293 MB Genre: Modern First-Person Shooter
Terrorists stole a nuclear-tipped missile and plan to blast away one of Europe's largest city: LONDON! The missiles short range is a problem, but money is not, and the terrorists find an accomplice, Ilya Rakov, son of a Russian billionaire and arms dealer. Aleksandr Rakov. Ilya agrees to supply the terrorists with a ship that will bring the missile within range of London. He also agrees to hunt down the only two people who are capable of foiling the plot: Steve and Sandy Fletcher. Steve and his sister Sandy are officers in the US Marine Corps. Aleksandr Rakov is horrified by his sons plan. Unable to take direct action, he hires the elite mercenary Austin Hawke to protect and assist Fletch
System Requirements
- Windows?2000/XP/Vista
- CPU: 1.8 GHz Pentium? 4 Processor 1.8 Ghz Cpu
- 512 Mb Ram
- 2 Gb HDD
- 128 Mb Pixel Shader 2.0 Video Memory
- DirectX 9c
Cara Install:
- Ekstrak
- Ekstrak lagi file yang bernama "ttmark.ace"
- Jalankan "_Unpak.bat" tunggu sampai selesai
- Jalankan "TheMark.exe" untuk bermain
- Selesai

Tested By Me
Work in Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit
No Pass.
gan napa link IDWS nya page not found???
ReplyDeletegan ... part 4nya koq page not found .... udah download tinggal part 4nya doank nie....
ReplyDeletegan gx bisa dimainin.
ReplyDeleteKatanya" Argon 2 : Mode Could Not have been Initialized."
apa ada yang kurang yah mas..
coba di beri penjelasan yang detail tentang permasalahan yang berlaku dengan game ini.
By : Soft-favorite
ada masalah di pak admin....
ReplyDelete1. pas kita extrac kenapa ttmark.c39 nya korup yah..tolong donk admin dibantu.
2. istalnya sih bisa tapi saat di start game ko ngak nampil kelayar? tolong penjelasannya admin. tahx....
meganz :
ReplyDeletemas qo ke detect trojan ya start.exe nya????
@ALL: tolong di periksa baik2, krn sy sendiri yg tes download n memaikn game ini tp gak ada masalah sama skali...thankzz
ReplyDeletemav mas saya salah comment,, maksudnya buat game naruto shipudden: dragon blade crhonicles,, itu qo ke detect virus start.exenya sama trojan ya sama avira??
ReplyDeleteall, itu mungkin karena nama2 filenya beda2 x all,, coba di samain semua namanya cuma di ganti belakangnya part 4 dan 5, saya juga pertama x nyoba corrupt karena beda namanya tapi pas di ganti nama belakangnya baru bisa....oke silahkan di coba..
untuk semua downloaders.....
ReplyDeletegame RIp adalah game bukan 100% original. so, sebelum instal ke pc ada baeknya aV di-disable dulu. ato kita ignore aja warning yg muncul. coz beberapa installer game versi RIp terdetek trojan ato virus. Trims
@Ryan Chopper: betul kata agan yg satu ini...thanks gan bantuannya...
ReplyDeletegan...part 2 kok g bisa di download yaaa?????
ReplyDeletestiap di donlot tau2 langsung slesai..?
Bisa kok Game Nya , THnkx Gan.....