Free Download Game Full Version Rip with Crack Serial Number Gratis Terbaru

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Dead Island - MediaFire

Dead Island - MediaFire

Dead Island
Dead Island | 5.6Gb/1.6Gb

info isalgames

Dead Island is a first person horror action-adventure video game developed by Techland for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. It is centered on the challenge of survival on a zombie-infested open world island with a major emphasis on melee combat. It was originally announced at E3 2006,but was pushed back to 2011. It was released on September 6 in North America and will be released on September 9 elsewhere.

The game is set in the Palms Resort, in fictional Banoi, located off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Your character wakes up after a long night of partying at the Banoi hotel, only to find the lights off and an emergency broadcast system guiding him/her out of their hotel room. Once you leave your room, you head through a hotel room to get around some luggage carts in the hall and make head out to the balcony. After looking out at the view, two zombies suddenly fall from the balcony above as your character watches. You then open a nearby elevator hatch and climb in. Just as you get in, the elevator cables snap and send the elevator flying down, stopping momentarily on a zombie-infested floor before hitting bottom. Your character recovers and hears a voice asking them if they are experiencing any health problems.

System Requirements:
  • OS: Windows XP,Vista & Seven
  • CPU: Core2Duo 2.66 GHz
  • RAM: 1GB
  • Video Memory: ATI 2600XT 512MB VRAM (Geforce 8600GT)
  • HDD: 7.0 GB

Install Instructions:
  1. Extract Using latest version of winrar.
  2. Burn or mount the image.
  3. Install the game using our installer.
  4. Copy over the cracked content from the Crack dir on the disc to the dir of the game. Install the redists from the \REDIST dir as needed.
  5. Play the game.
  6. If game doesn't work then install reloaded update.
  7. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

Update Instructions:
  1. Unrar this cracked update into the dir of the initial release (having already copied over the original cracked files).
  2. Play the game.

screens isalgames
Dead Island

Dead Island

Dead Island

Dead Island

download games

password isalgames
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Dead Island - MediaFire Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: IsalCancer

27 komentar:

  1. Gan mo nanya ni beda Full sm repack gmn ni? apa d dunlut full uda cukup ato ntar jg hrs dunlut repack jg (kayak expansion pack gtu?) makasi sblmnya

  2. @Edwin
    PS : gan klo yg full linknya bnyk yg "File Removed for Violation"
    klo yg repack sm sj ato tdk? mgkn misinya ad yg nda ada?

  3. wadu gan link yg repack part 4 jg "File Removed for Violation" tlg link baru y ^_^
    makasi sebelumnya..

  4. Gan Minta Game The Cursed crusade yang repack donk

  5. @Edwin: untuk link yg error ntr sy perbaiki, maaf atas ketdknyamanannya
    @Rizkytebee: nanti yah... sabar, org sabarkn disayang tuhan, hehehhehe

  6. gan..
    nny neh gan ..
    ada Steam laen ga ??
    kok SteamFix ane ga ke buka ??
    klik ga ada keluar apa" ..
    ane lalu klik game na minta steam na ..
    aduh gan..
    tolong pencerahan ..

  7. @F: baca petunjuk installnya gan, difolder smartsteam kan ada 4 file buka file ke 4 namax SmartSteam.txt dan lihat dibagian "How to use:"
    semoga bermanfaat...

  8. Gan, kok ane install yg repack terus ane crack trus pas ane klik eh nongol tulisan "Cannot write in game folder. You don't have write permission".

    Itu kenapa ya gan ???

  9. Ternyata dh bisa gan, thanx gan...
    Tapi kok pas main tulisannya malah aneh ya gan ??
    Kayak tulisan vietnam gitu..

  10. gan yang full nya kok gak bisa nie,aq buka iso nya...ada tulisan no archive found..padahal kapasitas nya ada

  11. rar 4 cannot download

  12. gan ane ogi..

    filenya udh tp pilihan menu nya yg mn nih gan coz bahasanya ntah bahasa apa itu..stiap di pilih satu2 di balikin ke tampilan awal lg gan..please help me...

  13. nama ane ogi..
    aneh dah download gan n bisa tp pas pemilihan menunya gmn tuh cara langsung ke gamenya coz bahasanya g jelas.pilih tiap menunya di malah antarin ke tampilan awal lg gan..please help me..

  14. ane david gan
    file apk di update reloaded semua nya corrupt gan gmn solusinya tu?

  15. ane david gan
    file apk di update reloaded semua nya corrupt gan gmn solusinya tu?

  16. Woi Gmna carnya nie nti bahasanya koq bahasanya x jelas gne gmna aku bisa maen....
    jwb nae admin kasian to yang udah download lama"....
    to do atas banyak pertanyaan jawab woi...!!!!!

  17. bro isal..kenapa tidak boleh gune kn trainer kt game dead space ni..

  18. Fuck u wrong passwork!!!!!

  19. thx man full game it work!!

  20. @quote Woi Gmna carnya nie nti bahasanya koq bahasanya x jelas gne gmna aku bisa maen....
    jwb nae admin kasian to yang udah download lama"....
    to do atas banyak pertanyaan jawab woi...!!!!!

    biasanya gan di dalem folder ad launcer bertuliskan text ntar agan buka trus kan ad pilihan bahasany tuh coba deh ganti ke english pasti bisa ...!!!

  21. kk cara donlod per part gini gmna ya?, klo dah slese smua partnya gmn?

  22. @sasori ekstrak pake winrar,kalo iso pke poweriso...
    saya juga blum tau gan format filenya apaan,hehe...
    @bang isal aku download yang repack,perlu gak download reloaded update or smart steam fix jugaa??tlong dibls...thx

  23. gan part 7 corrupt,,tlong diperbaiki segera!!mumpung koneksi lagi maknyos,thanks isal

  24. @andre gan download yg mna repack ato full..??

  25. gan, nanya noh, kok psa udh di instal kok layar hitam??
    tolong Pencerahan na


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