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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Battlefield 1942 RIP

Battlefield 1942 RIP

Battlefield 1942 RIP
Battlefield 1942 RIP | 850 Mb

info isalgames

In Battlefield 1942, players are dropped into the middle of a World War II battlefield and forced to find a path to victory both for them and for the soldiers on their side. While the game has a single player component, it's the multiplayer mode that's the bigger focus as 64 players can shoot it out in a variety of WWII theaters.
The action takes place on the land, in the air and on the sea. While your main means of transportation is the trusty boot, there are also 32 controllable vehicles in the game that run the gamut from jeeps to trucks, planes to boats.

System Requirement:
  • 800 MHz or faster Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor
  • 256 MB or more RAM
  • 16x or faster CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive
  • 1.2 GB free hard disk space plus space for saved games
  • 64 MB or greater video card which supports Transform & Lighting
  • Environmental Audio™ capable sound card

Cara Install:
  1. Ekstract semua rar
  2. Jalankan battlefield 1942.exe
  3. Tunggu proses install selesai
  4. Play!

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Battlefield 1942 RIP

Battlefield 1942 RIP

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Status : Tested work 100% (Windows 8 32 bit)

Battlefield 1942 RIP Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: IsalCancer

19 komentar:

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  4. Bang Isal kok gamenya gak bisa dimainin

  5. ya gak bisa di maenin , mhon pencerahan nya bro isal yang ganteng....

  6. bang gamenya gak bisa dimainin nih

  7. ane mau lapor gan, game yang ini gak berjalan, yang nongol cuma "binkw32.dll missing from your komputer"
    mohon pencerahannya gan, terimakasih....""

  8. danil
    thanks bro, ane udah install, lancar..
    @dani, bisa koq gan.. coba download aja file binkw23.dll.. search di gugel, ato bisa jg pake dll-fixer,,

  9. @Danil: oh iyah gan, ternyata bisa, hehehe.... ane salah 1 step yang bikin gagal semua installan, maklum gan, ane masih nubie. tapii... makasih banyak atas inspirasinya ya gan... arigato...

    @Admin: maaf gan, ane salah lapor. ternyata gamenya lancar jaya. gomen nasai ne ("-_-)

    maju terus buat

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