Silver 1999 PC Games - MediaFire
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Silver 1999 PC Games | 1.2 Gb |
Silver released in 1999 is a role-playing game on the PC, Sega Dreamcast and Macintosh. The game was produced by Infogrames initially on the PC, and later on the Dreamcast. The story focuses around a young warrior called David and his quest to retrieve his wife from the clutches of the villain Silver. On his journey he gains a number of followers and visits many different landscapes. The game sold over 400,000 copies and is now out-of-print.
The game features polygonal 3D characters drawn against a pre-rendered 2D background. The character design is inspired from Manga/Anime culture. The battle system of Silver is notable for being completely real-time opposed to many similar light role-playing games, which usually have turn-based combat. The player may choose any character in his adventuring party to control, and the rest of the characters are handled automatically by AI. The story focuses largely on collecting eight magic orbs representing different elements such as fire, ice and acid. Each orb is located at an area themed around the orb, and the player may use the collected orbs to cast different kind of spells against his enemies.
System Requirements:
- Intel Pentium 166 or compatible
- 32Mb RAM
- 8-speed CD-ROM drive
- 160Mb free hard-disk space
- DirectX-compatible video card with (minimum) 2Mb RAM
- DirectX-compatible sound card
- Windows95 or Windows98
Image Format: MDS/MDF 2 disc
Archive Format: 7z
DISC 1: File Size: 581MB compressed / 790MB decompressed
DISC 2: File Size: 627MB compressed / 784MB decompressed

Mediafire Link :
Downloaad Games (PC) Silver (1999) From MediaFirewww.isalgames.com
wah .. RPG lg nih... izin sedot gan, pokoknya yg berbau RPG langsung saya sedot gan.. sukses buat gan Isal :D
Waaahhhh, ntar tak posting di blog saya gan... bagus kayaknya...
ReplyDeleteKang Ijal dari dulu banyak yang request, Bisa bantu ga? Upload Commandos 2 dan Commandos 3 ga tapi yang RIP biar MB nya kecil trus downloadnya cepet...
ReplyDeleteDitunggu .. Sukses buat http://www.isalgames.com
Gan Isal, maaf mau tanya password decompressed setelah tinggal 2 file: 581 & 627 apa ya?
@ariangsoft.blogspot.com: ok silahkan di share gan
ReplyDelete@edi Mulyadi: gak bisa skrng gan lagi sibuk banget nih....
@anonim: password coba yg ini: http://www.snesorama.us
wah ini situs bener2 manteb... agan Isal mmg top da... baru kapan ari request game sekarang uda ad... makasi banyak gan.. ijin dunlut dl ^_^ tpi ni game dl ad bug.nya.. pas d sewer ad bel itw d tepel sm batu klo bs y lanjut klo nda bs mesti cri cd lain T_T moga2 yg ini bs.. maen dl aa....
ReplyDeletetpi ini kasi cendolnya gmn ni, tgl klik thank you itw ato mesti register dl gan? klo register dmn y...
@Anonim: wkwkwk sy gak berharap dikasi cendol gan, lagian ini bukn forum jd gak ada t4 untuk beri cendol, tp klo mau agan cukup follow blog ini dan like fans page fb nya, ada tuh di samping... thanks
ReplyDeleteit works .. :D
ReplyDeletethx Gan Isal
ReplyDeleteuda sy like gan da FB ^_^
@Edwin: ok thanks berat gan... jgn lupa promosikn ke teman2 yg laen nya... hehhehe
ReplyDeletegan.... password 7z nya apa????
ReplyDeletewww. snesorama.us gak mau gan... tolong dibantu...
Gan,kok hasil installanny g sempurna y???
ReplyDeleteketika install cuma di baca disc 1, itupun tidak lengkap
disc 2 g di baca sama skali...
mohon bantuannya gan...please,,,
The archive in either in unknown format or damaged! I try to winrar and 7zip. And nothing. Password is wrong?