King's Bounty: The Legend - MediaFire
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King's Bounty: The Legend | 2.4 Gb |
King's Bounty: The Legend is an adventure game with tactical turn-based battles and role-playing elements. In a fairy tale fantasy world of fearless knights, evil mages, wise kings and beautiful princesses the player controls a hero. Leading their character through the game world, exploring it, commanding armies in battle and accomplishing various quests can mean great reward or huge defeats.
Minimum System Requirements
- MS Windows 2000/XP
- DirectX 9.0c
- Processor 2,6 GHz
- RAM 1Gb
- Videocard nVidia GeForce 6600 with 128 Mb or equivalent ATI
- DirectX-compatible soundcard
- 5,5 Gb free hard disk space
- Keyboard, mouse

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Download Games King's Bounty: The Legend From MediafirePassword Mediafire:
Password Unrar:
Password Unrar:
erm, what is the unrar pswod?i have try td4vn.com 4 times, but still wrong pswod, :(
ReplyDelete@Smoochy Mushrimp: password: www.gamehousevn.com
ReplyDeletethank you.. your blog really help me in the edge of my time .. :)
ReplyDeleteAsps sih pas Ya........www.gamehousevn.com gak bisaThx
ReplyDeletethank you admin, nice work :D
ReplyDeleteboleh jea, aku da try gune paswd tu, taip betul2, :)
om isal koq part 13nya corup..nyuwun tulung dung pencerahannya :(
ReplyDeletekk isal part 13nya koq corup,please pencerahannya ka
ReplyDelete@ade_moron: direpair aja dulu gan, lihat tutorial di atas...
ReplyDeleteajarin kk isal :( aq pngn maen :'(
ReplyDeletekk isal aq kan udah recover sama repair part 13,abis itu gimana lagi please ka :(
ReplyDelete@ade_moron: wah qu bantu ya, yaa file repair dikasi nama sama bt ganti yg sebelumnya, dijadiin 1 sm yg part2 yg laen, trs di diekstract pake winrar dunk..
ReplyDeletentar diliat dulu hasilna file apa, seterusnya diliat caranya di tutorialnya bang isal udah ada.. good luck
@nuna: wow mksh kk nuna ^_^ aq coba deh,thanks ya pencerahannya :)
ReplyDelete@ade_moron: oke, sama2.. udah bs belom ..?
ReplyDelete@nuna: baru selesai di extrak kk :) neh lg mau dicoba :)
ReplyDelete:'( koq ada tulisan begini kk>>>>>! C:\Users\ade\Downloads\Compressed\kingbattle\www.isalgames.com_KingBTL.part13.rar: CRC failed in sr-kingb.iso. The file is corrupt
ReplyDeletelho kan part 13 udh km repair,success kan repairnya? biasanya kl udh direpair bs lo, kl gt pasti ada kesalahan..yg lama ud km hapus kan, ato coba km teliti lg penulisan file partnya udh sama persis blm kyk yg lainnya.. yg bedain cuma angka partnya di belakangnya aja..
ReplyDeletefile yg lama aq pindahin ka,yg repair aq taro/pindahin ke part2 lainya,tp udah diutak utek blm bs2 jg sampe skrng :(
ReplyDelete@ade_moron: coba periksa baik2 mungkin ada yg salah...
ReplyDelete@kk isal_udah dicek semua ka tp ngk bisa jg :(,o iya ka mw tnya yg game paraworld itu gimana y maeninnya/kan saya udah downlod smua n udah saya extrak,tp abis itu gimana lg ka/cara maennya,maf ka repotin n tnya2 trus :(
ReplyDeletecan not download part2..please help admin..thx
ReplyDeleteno problem with part 2, try it again allright..
ReplyDeleteade moron: aq udh coba, n dapet masalah ky km persis.. tp stlh qu teliti ternyata aq salah ngetik password, stlh aq ketik passwordnya www.gamehousevn.com persis, langsung bisa, km coba deh.. thank you isal..
ReplyDeletesetelah di instal kok disuruh aktifasi dlu dari digital river itu gimana yaq??????
ReplyDeletemohon pencerahannya
om kode aktifasinya gimana udah di instal ga bisa di maenin maksudnya crack ato skidrow itu ap ya???
ReplyDeletewhat is the part 13 password?
ReplyDeletei tried both password also wrong!
kode aktivasi gamenya mana??
ReplyDeleteom cara maen nya gimana nih
ReplyDeletekok di minta kode aktivasi
kasih tau petunjuknya dong om