Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - MediaFire
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Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars | 2.6 GB |
Tiberium Wars takes place in the year 2047, at the advent of and during the "Third Tiberium War" when the Brotherhood of Nod launches a worldwide offensive against the Global Defense Initiative, abruptly ending 17 years of silence and crippling GDI forces everywhere. With the odds tipped in the Brotherhood’s favor this time, GDI field commanders rally their troops and begin to combat Nod’s second re-emergence, trying to restore lost hope.
Command & Conquer 3 gameplay typically requires the player to construct a base and acquire resources, in order to fund the ongoing production of various types of forces with which to assault and conquer the opponent’s base. All available structures of the faction chosen by the player are constructed on-site at so-called "construction yard" or "drone platform" buildings – which typically begin as large-sized vehicles or aircraft capable of deploying themselves into the aforementioned construction yards or drone platforms – or alternatively at the supporting "crane" and "foundry" structures. When a construction yard, drone platform, crane or foundry has finished building a new structure, the player can select a spot near an existing structure to place it, whereupon building will then rapidly pop up into existence.
- Tiberium is the sole resource and is usually gathered from fields of Tiberium crystals scattered around the map. The crystals are gathered by harvester vehicles, which unload their cargo refineries, turning the Tiberium into money.
- All three factions (GDI, NOD, Scrin) have structures and units with similar functions at their disposal. However, they are adjusted to fit each faction’s theme and have somewhat varying properties. Units can be classified into infantry, vehicles and aircraft, each with their own subdivisions (against infantry, vehicles, aircraft, structures and combinations thereof). Unit effectiveness against opponents follows the rock-paper-scissors principle found in most real-time strategy games.
- Virtually every type of structure in the game acts as a tech tree node, and additional units, structures and faction-specific abilities will become available as new structures are built and placed. Access to advanced units and abilities may be temporarily blocked if the required structures are destroyed, or if they are not being provided with adequate power by the supporting "power plant" structures.
- Base defense is provided by specialized defensive towers. Later on in the game, the player can begin to build lethal defensive structures such as the Global Defense Initiative’s "Sonic Emitters", the Scrin’s "Storm Columns" or the iconic "Obelisk of Light" of the Brotherhood of Nod
System Requirements
Required System:
- Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7
- PC with 1.6 Ghz equivalent or higher processor
- 256 MB of system RAM
- 512 MB of system RAM for online play with 3 or more players
- 6 GB available hard disk space
- 8x speed or faster CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive (for the Collector's Edition)
- 64 MB GeForce3-class video card. The game only officially supports cards with ATI (Radeon 8500 or greater) and Nvidia chipsets, and the Intel GMA 900 and GMA 950 products. The GeForce 4 MX is not supported
- Sound card with speakers or headphones
- Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
- 56.6 Kbps or better modem for 1v1 online play
- Broadband connection for online play with 3 or more players
- DirectX 9.0c or above.
- Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7
- 1.3 GHz Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon processor
- 256 MB RAM
- Nvidia GeForce2 or equivalent video card with 32 MB RAM
- DirectX 9.0b compatible sound card
- 4 GB available hard disk space
- Please note that while you will be able to play The Battle for Middle-earth(tm) with the specifications above, play experience can benefit from additional RAM, above the required 256 MB
- Nvidia GeForce2 MX is not supported.

Mediafire Link :
Download | Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars From MediaFireisalgames.blogspot.com
Thx Semoga FileYAGak Corrupt Nice Game
ReplyDeletefile sudah corrupt.....T_T...
ReplyDelete@isyad: direpair dulu gan, baca tutorial diatas.
ReplyDeletesudah tetap sama.....reupload file 10,11,13,14 plz...
ReplyDelete@isyad: wah knp yah gan tmn ane sdh download katanya gak ada yg corrupt ko' yah udah nih link yg abang minta moga aja dak corrupt lgi.
ReplyDeletePart 10 | Part 11 | Part 13 | Part 14
ReplyDeletemsih corrupt gan ==''
gan udah 3 kali donlod tetap corrupt part10 part 13 part 14, yg link baru jg sama corrupt, tolong di perbaiki dulu. makasih
ReplyDeletewaiting for part 10..
ReplyDeleteape ini< penat saja wak donlod, apa pasal ade file corrupt.... tolong sama guwe
ReplyDeletegan kenapa waktu di extract filenya corrupt
ReplyDeleteyang berekstensi ISO nya
tapi kalau yang lain lancar
cuma satu yang gak bisa di extract
mohon bantuanya..!!!
Bang, games nya mantap.
ReplyDeleteSaya udah donlod semua, tapi part 10, 13 dan 14 masih tetep corrupt... udah repair dan udah donlod lagi dari link yang diperbaharui diatas.. tapi tetep aja corrupted..
Mohon bantuan Bang Admin...dah pingin main nih games sayanya hehe..
@wiguno: maaf beribu maaf nih gan untuk sementara sy blm bisa berikan solusi atau link alternatif untuk file yg corrupt ini krn kesibukan2 yg tdk bisa sy tinggalkn... dan maaf atas ketdknyamanannnya....
ReplyDeletewaah.. yang part 13, 14 eroor....
ReplyDeletegmn oow..??
dare malam mpe pagi... download.
eh koq corrupted..?
help me plzzzz....
ReplyDeletebisa ngak game ini dmainkan?
ReplyDeleteplz gan...reupload part 10,13,14
ReplyDeletecorrup files! T^T all i do it not working! also at tutorial! not works ether T^T
ReplyDeleteni game dah bisa didownload n dimainin apa blm?
ReplyDeletepart 10,13 and 14 volume corrupted pls fix it
ReplyDeleteFile 10,13 and 14 corrupt. Please assist.
ReplyDeletehi..i have tried repiar the corrupt file using RAR repair v4.0 but the error still persist. Kindly assist
ReplyDeletealternatif yang error nya dong gan
ReplyDeleteudah 3hari ane download mati kom nyala kom eh hasil nya ggg bisa di mainin tolong alternatifnya
ahaha,, akhirnya setelah saya googling game2 seri CNC ktemu juga sama site ini
ReplyDeletehebat2 congrats dah ane ijin ctrl + d dulu gan,, lagi coba dongdot yang CNC General
More power buat bang Isal !!
Masih error part 10, 13, dan 14 nya bang. Btw, nice blog ^^ (Agha)
ReplyDeleteaduh bang gmna ini tolong di perbaiki file 10. 13,14 nya masih tetap corrupt. edu
ReplyDeletetolong di upload ulang file 10,13,14...masih corrupt.edu
ReplyDeleteTOLONG GAN, FILE PART 10 & 13 CORRUPT....!!!!!
Tolong lah gan arsip nomor 10 dan 13 error, udah pengen main nih
ReplyDeletecuba guna 7zip
ReplyDeleteplease reupload link 10, 13, 14....i want to play it...
ReplyDeleteplease reupload link 10,13,14..i to play
ReplyDeletesame like up
ReplyDeletePart 10, 13 and 14 corrupt, ive spent 12 hours for nothing
ReplyDeleteLink part 1 nya diperbaiki donk....
ReplyDeletega jadi/ngga mau download, link-nya
link 1 corrupt . hope u can reupload new ASAP . thanks
ReplyDeleteWorking parts 10,13,14
EXAMPLE: grandleech.com_Tiberium.part10.rar to "Tiberium.part10.rar"
14 links, Rapidshare
Good game to all
Kindly upload on other website
All download slots for this file are currently filled.
Please try again momentarily.
Please Upload part10, part13, part14. to mediafire
ReplyDeletePeeje always
All download slots for this file are currently filled.
Please try again momentarily.
ah linknya dah pada mati juga.admin bisanya copy paste jadinya linknya pada di blokir,kratif donk admin.
ReplyDeletebagi yang ingin doenload nih saya kasih alternatifnya tapi demo tinggal kalian carai aja patcnya/craknya oke langsung aja nich http://www.joystiq.com/game/command-and-conquer-3-tiberium-wars/download/command-and-conquer-3-demo
nich bung w nemu lagi dah full versi tapi server jumbo file tanpa basa basi nich linknya
tolong donk jangan di copy paste linkya supaya g di blokir,terutama buat para pembuat web jangan bisa nya copy donk tapi kratif donk buat diri jangan bisanya photo copy doank,kasiah buat orang2 yang ingin download n main game.
please folder not found new upload