Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box (RIP) - MediaFire
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Burnout Paradise PC Games | RIP | MediaFire | 582MB |
Spectacular bone-crushing crashes and an unparalleled sense of speed will always be a hallmark of Burnout games but Burnout Paradise ups the ante with an all new game design that expands the experience into a deeper, ever more immersive driving dream.
Spectacular bone-crushing crashes and an unparalleled sense of speed will always be a hallmark of Burnout games but Burnout Paradise ups the ante with an all new game design that expands the experience into a deeper, ever more immersive driving dream.
Some of the key features that set Burnout Paradise apart include:
True Open World Freedom - The entire city will be available from the outset, giving players the freedom to explore this immersive world known as Paradise City. Experience open world driving Burnout style as the action begins with you, but it doesn’t have to end.
EasyDrive Online Social Gaming - See your friends online with the EasyDrive Friends List and connect with them instantly without having to wait or exit your game. Burnout Paradise is revolutionising the way players jump on and offline, making it as simple and quick as possible.
Single-player Events - Choose from Race, Marked Man, Road Rage, and Stunt by pulling up to the numerous stoplights in the game to initiate the event. The action isn’t forced any longer, as players have the freedom to start and even end a challenge at their leisure.
True Open World Freedom - The entire city will be available from the outset, giving players the freedom to explore this immersive world known as Paradise City. Experience open world driving Burnout style as the action begins with you, but it doesn’t have to end.
EasyDrive Online Social Gaming - See your friends online with the EasyDrive Friends List and connect with them instantly without having to wait or exit your game. Burnout Paradise is revolutionising the way players jump on and offline, making it as simple and quick as possible.
Single-player Events - Choose from Race, Marked Man, Road Rage, and Stunt by pulling up to the numerous stoplights in the game to initiate the event. The action isn’t forced any longer, as players have the freedom to start and even end a challenge at their leisure.
System Requirement
Minimum System Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP/Vista
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.8 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3000+
- Memory: 1 Gb
- Hard Drive: 4 Gb free
- Video Memory: 128 Mb
- Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer
Recommended System Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP/Vista
- Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.5 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+
- Memory: 2 Gb
- Hard Drive: 4 Gb free
- Video Memory: 512 Mb
- Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 2900
- Download semua part (4 part)
- Gabungkan / Ekstrak dengan menggunakan WinRAR.
- Jalankan :
- Setup32bit : Untuk Windows 32 Bit
- Setup64bit : Untuk Windows 64 Bit
- Tunggu Proses sampai selesai.
- Jalankan 'BurnoutParadise.exe' untuk mulai main.
wow hanya 582mb?? aku akan komen kembali selepas mencubanya...
ReplyDeletewow hanya 582mb?? aku akan komen kembali selepas mencubanya...
ReplyDelete@~Areep~ BlogSite: iya gan, oh iya gan klo sdh di coba share cara installnya yah, biar bisa bantu yg lain....
ReplyDeletesudah lama saya mencari game ini akhirnya ketemu yg sizenya lumayan kecil.
ReplyDeletethx yg bang isalgames
baru habis download ni bos.
ReplyDeleteinstallnya sama kayak di readmenya, harus pastiin free space diatas 6GB...
@Budi Rockets: iya bang, klo gi2 langsung download aja...
ReplyDelete@Anonim: iya makasi bang atas infonya tentang game ini....
ni cara maeny gimana??? ko kayanya ONLINE sih???
ReplyDeletetolong pencerahanya yaaaaaaaaa
thank.... maju terus ISALGAME
tak perlu di login.. terus klik cancel button...
ReplyDeleteterus Enter Paradise City..
semua setting video, sound dan lain2 ada ketika pause (Esc) game....
@~Areep~ BlogSite: makasi gan sdh bantu jawab, sering2 yah kaya gini... hehehhehe
ReplyDeletebro gamenya jalan di kompi gw yg vga nvidia,tp di kompi gw yg lain /yg vganya pake ati redeon hd 4650 ko sering shoutdown,..gimana tu gan solusinya?...please
ReplyDelete@jacky: berarti vga nya yg gak cocok dgn game ini gan, pake yg bisa aja gan ngapain mau repot2 klo sdh ada yg bisa... heheh
ReplyDeletegan caranya install gmana?
ReplyDeleteiya gan file banyak gini gimana gabunginnya abis itu installnya gimana ??
ReplyDeletemakanya jangan make anonim gan, soalnya isal ngak balas :D
Thanks Ea
ReplyDeleteKarena Sedikit Hanya Beberapa Part ku Bisa Main
thanks Isal game
Semoga Sukses :D
Cara instalnya gimana
ReplyDeleteterlalu banyak partsnya
Ternyata Make Lagi RIP
ReplyDeletesusah gan nih
Gmna cara instal.nya...???
ReplyDelete@Zul Fikar: iya gan komentar anonim gak sy balas,
ReplyDelete@ALL: cara installnya sama kayak di readmenya, harus pastiin free space diatas 6GB... mangnya gak baca yah komentar diatas.
ReplyDeleteharus free space 6Gb. ,
tpi ksih langkah.nya dong. . .
ReplyDeleteabis di extract trus gmna..?
ReplyDeleteksih pnjelasan dong. . .???
@EAdiacahya: baca aja readme nya. disi2 sdh lengkap langkah2 nya.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletekk, kok waktu jalanin launchernya, ada tulisan gini ya "the program can't start because d3dx9_37.dll is missing", apakah saya harus reinstall?
ReplyDelete@verdhi: mungkin file "d3dx9_37.dll" tdk ada diPC km. coba carikan dan masukkan ke Windows/System 32
ReplyDeletegan kok part yg ke 3 gk bisa d download ya,,, tolong pncerahannya...
ReplyDelete@djalal: disini bisa ko' gan.
ReplyDeleteIjin sedot dulu gan :D ...
ReplyDeleteweleh2 koq part 4nya eror ka isal......remote host bla bla bla gtu V_v
ReplyDeletekoneksi yang sedang berlangsung ditutup paksa oleh remore host.ini biasanya sebagai hasil jika APP peer diremote host terhenti,host sedang dinyalakan ulang/remote hos terpakai"hard close<<<<<<maksudnya apa ka isal,tlung bnget pencerahnnya
ReplyDelete@ade_moron: mksdnya apa nih gan...???
ReplyDeletepart 4nya baik2 aja ko', gak ada masalah...
Mantabh gan... maju trus ISALGAMES
ReplyDeleteIsalGamess Blog Is The Bestt,, i Like Isal Gamess karna isalgames Dekstopq jadi pnuh Games,, wkwkwkwkwkwkw TQ kk,, ^^
ReplyDeleteGan kok pas di ekstrak file precomp.exe kedetec virus ya....?
ReplyDeletetrus ane udh ikutin caranya installnya, space hardisk jga 6 gb atw lbh, tp kok g bsa,,
pas abis di esktrak, kan ane pilih yg setup 32bit, udh selesay tuh prosesnya kan muncul shortcutnya, pas di klik malah g ad file launchernya,
mohon pencerahannya. .. .
gan bisa ga spesifikasi komputer gua:
ReplyDeleteintel atom,1.66 GHz
1GB Memory
VGA 256 mb
tipe:acer aspire one 532h-2Bb
gan bisa ga spesifikasi komputer gua:
ReplyDeleteintel atom,1.66 GHz
1GB Memory
VGA 256 mb
tipe:acer aspire one 532h-2Bb
gan bisa ga spesifikasi komputer gua:
ReplyDeleteintel atom,1.66 GHz
1GB Memory
VGA 256 mb
tipe:acer aspire one 532h-2Bb
cek link dowloadnya donk bang isal tdak bisa ni ...uda di deleted...trimah kasih
ReplyDeletemaju terus www.isalgames.com
banyak link yang udah mati nih om admin,..
ReplyDeletedi update lagi dong :(
ijin sedot gan, kayaknya game ini seru n' udah pasti ga' eror karena ane udah yakin berkat comment teman" di atas! :-)
ReplyDeleteTIngkatkan bang isal ane dukung 100%!
reupload pls !!!!
ReplyDeleteAgan Isal mkch yh gamenya bgus bngt :) . tp ada 1 hal yg ingin saya tanyakan, untuk menu exit gamenya dmn yh?,,, cs saya dh cb klik keyboardnya 1/1 ttp gk ktm untuk exit gamenya (termasuk Esc). mohon bantuanya ya Gan?, sbelumnya mkch bngt, mg makin sukses wt Agan,,,,,
ReplyDeletesemua link sudag dead
ReplyDeletelink udah tewas....hahaa
ReplyDeletegan link udah di hapus ma mediafire please update.....?
ReplyDeleteadmin update linknya lah
ReplyDeleteLINK CO.ID gan....hehe3x
ReplyDeletegan, linknya kalo mw agak tahan lama tro di tinypaste gan :D
(saran dari teman2 blogger)
maju terus isal games
kok bisa sih jadinya cuma 582 mb
ReplyDeleteBang isal cuma memberitahu:
ReplyDeletePart 1 sd Part 4 ERROR SEMUA
bang isal, kok pas saya download kok ada tulisan "INVALID OR DELETED FILE".mohon bantuannya
ReplyDeletebang isal, kok pas saya download kok ada tulisan "INVALID OR DELETED FILE".mohon bantuannya