Resident Evil 5 - Mediafire
Resident Evil 5 - Mediafire | 4.15 Gb
Released: 2009 | Genre: Action (Shooter)/3D/3rd Person | Developer: Capcom | Publisher: Capcom | Platform: PC | Language: Russian, English,French,Spanish,German,Italian,Japanese
A professional soldier, Chris Redfield, the well-known players from previous installments Resident Evil, leaves no hope to obliterate all traces of activity, which has for decades engaged in developing biological weapons. So far, all studies on the establishment of the army invulnerable monsters fizzle, but the mad scientists are optimistic and continue to conduct cruel experiments on living people. In search of truth, the main character goes to a small African village and discovers hundreds of people affected by another experimental virus. Poor souls have changed not only externally but also internally: pursued by a cruel hunger, they attack anything that moves. This virus turned sick in perfect killers, making them the body is much stronger and hardier. And very soon, Chris and his co-worker Sheva Alomar will have to meet with serious opponents, little resembling mindless Undead from previous games Resident Evil ...
Game features:
- Sense and Sensibility. It is extremely dangerous and aggressive opponents: significantly increased their intelligence and reaction speed, in addition, they learned to find common ground with like-minded and able to join in the group.
- The power and accuracy. Impressive arsenal of military heroes: knives, pistols, machine guns, sniper rifles and much more.
- Dream and reality. Modern graphic effects, an unprecedented level of detail, some know-how in the processing of lighting and shadows.
Minimum System Requirements:
- Operating System Windows XP;
- Processor Intel ® Pentium ® D / AMD Athlon64 X2 or better;
- 512 MB (XP) / 1 GB (Vista ®) or more of RAM;
- 8 GB or more free hard disk space;
- Video Card NVIDIA ® GeForce ® 6800 or better (except for a series NVIDIA GeForce 7300) / ATI Radeon ™ HD 2400 Pro or better with 256 MB or more VRAM compatible with DirectX ® 9.0c, with support for Shader 3.0;
- Sound card compatible with DirectSound and DirectX 9.0;
- DirectX 9.0c;
- Device for reading DVD, supports DVD format 9 (two-layer DVD);
- Keyboard and mouse.
Recommended System Requirements:
- Operating System Windows Vista ®;
- Processor Intel ® Core ™ 2 Quad / AMD Phenom X4;
- 1 GB (XP) / 2 GB (Vista ®) or more of RAM;
- 8 GB or more free hard disk space;
- Video series NVIDIA ® GeForce 9800 or better / ATI Radeon ™ HD 4800 or better with 512 MB of video memory;
- Sound card compatible with DirectSound and DirectX 9.0;
- DirectX 9.0c;
- Device for reading DVD, supports DVD format 9 (two-layer DVD);
- Gamepad Xbox 360 ® for Windows.
Installation Instructions:
- Mount image
- Set the game
- Copy the files from the CRACK folder on the mounted image in a folder with a game.
- Play!.

Single Direct Link:
Download | Resident Evil 5 (Repack) via gol.ge
Untuk cara install bisa lihat langsung di sumber aslinya DISINI
gimana cara menggabungkan file format .tor?
ReplyDelete@Anonim: rename dulu filenya trus hapus kata .tor, setelah semua file di rename silahkan gabungkan filenya menggunakan HJSplit
ReplyDeletewah.. mantab sekali, langsung di bales.. :D
ReplyDeletetp masih ada yang bingung nih gan, :P
di renamenya jadi apa?
satu lagi, nama file nya umumnya berurut ==> r00 s/d r73.
tapi ada 1 file yg penamaannya beda sndiri. CongTruongIT.Com_rld-re5.rar.tor(yg ini diubah jadi apa gan?)
mohon pencerahannya ya gan, udah slsai download nih :P
moga makin rame ya gan blognya, manteb bgt game2-nya :)
wahhh..75 File yg hrs di download, ini pasti bisa kan Bang? ntar udah berhari-hari download ternyata error.. mati gue hahaha :D
ReplyDeletesaudara isal,,, part 22, 23 datanya error.. tolong di perbaiki,, thx
ReplyDeletesaudara isal,,,Mirror Link: part 22, 23 datanya error.. tolong di perbaiki,, thx
ReplyDeletesaudara isal,,,Mirror Link: part 22, 23 datanya error.. tolong di perbaiki,, thx
ReplyDelete@Anonim: mas sblm bertanya mending baca dulu TUTORIAL yg diberikan mas ISAL, lagian komentar anonim gak bakal dibalas ma mas isal...
ReplyDeleteYah... Blm D balezz... Hikz3x... :(
ReplyDelete@Hani.Lovato: repair dulu gan, baca tutorial diatas, maaf klo baru balas krn sy rasa kata anonim diatas betul, baca tutorial dulu sblm bertanya..
ReplyDeleteDuh.. udh di baca tapi gak ngerti maksudnya. tolong di jelasin Detailnya. masih butuh di bimbing kk Isal.. Plz
ReplyDelete1. Klik kanan file yg akan diekstrk
2. Klik extract files...
3. Centang "keep broken files"
4. Klik ok
klo masi tdk bisa, pake cara kedua dan ketiga, silahkan dipelajari sendiri. klo tdk mengerti krn bhs inggris terjemahkan saja pake google translate.
Kk Isal Maaf, bukan Itu yg aq maksud. Tp di "http://www.mediafire.com/?ycmv5dpk8x6jd8e#2"
ReplyDelete- Tulisanya "Error downloading file"
- Part 22 dan 23
Tolong ya kak Isal....
@Hani.Lovato: oohh gi2 yah gan, klo masalah yg sprti itu memang akhir2 ini sering terjd gan pada file2 yg ada dimediafire, tunggu aja dulu gan biasanya akan normal kembali, dicoba aja trus, dan sementara sy jg carikan link alternatif untuk part22 dan 23...
ReplyDeleteOH.. Ok kk Isal.. Semoga dpt Link Alternatifnya... ThxQ
ReplyDeleteKa Isal, ko suara di dalam gamenya ga keluar ?.... mohon petunjuk!
ReplyDeleteMAAF nie kka isal
ReplyDeletekenapa ya wktu di tengah2x instalasinya RETRY truzz ?
tolong donk saran nya ?
sebelumnya THANK'S
gan gmn cra save game ne ga,,?
ReplyDeletegan ane kan donlot yang mirror tuh , yang part 19 ga bisa kedonlot gan :( gimana dong?
ReplyDeleteSerial Nombernya membuka Rarnya brp?
ReplyDeleteSerial Buat Buka Rarnya apa kk? saya download yg alternatif.
ReplyDeleteagan isal...
ReplyDeleteknpa di part terakhir kok keluar tulisan wrong pasword ya?
mohon jawaban..
jgn Pake IDM klu mau download part 19
ReplyDeletecara dowloadnya gimana gan mohon pencerahannya....
ReplyDeleteklik link yang ada di bawah mediafire. terus download semua file yang ada.
apa pasword extractnya???
ReplyDeletepart akhir wrong password??
ReplyDeletebang tolong dong carikan game
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ty for the game but you have number 10 in the mirror not working
ReplyDeletecan you upload it Again ?
Mirror Link:
if you did not understand me in English
ReplyDeletepart 10 error - part 10 error - part 10 error
Emang bener kata orang2, download game jangan di sini, admin gak bertanggung jawab gilaa we download 2 game gak ada yang jalan nanya admin gak di jawab..."
ReplyDeleteKalo download mendingan disini aja gan WWW.PCGAMETUBES.BLOGSPOT.COM
Ane download game ini disana lancar jayaaaaaaaaaaaa
part 22 mirror not working... sia2 download bnyk2..
ReplyDeletemuncul Shared Content Belongs to Suspended Account.
ReplyDeletenape ya???
Nice Inpoh
ReplyDeleteKunjung balik =>ADMIN-RIDHO.BLOGSPOT.COM
suhu ane dongdot yg single version cracknya gada dan gada english pattchnya nih ?? mohon pencerahannya ?
ReplyDeletegi mana mahu tukar russian to english bahasanya?
ReplyDeletebang downloadnya susah time out mulu belum 1% tolong di renew
ReplyDeleteMas isal saya minta tolong nh
ReplyDeletedulu kan resident evil 5 nih linknya di mediafire dan klo gk salah partnya ada 38 jadi.Saya mw nanya nih mas. Password RAR nya yg 38 part tuh yg di mediafire tuh pa mas.
hanya itu mas saya minta tolong sekali
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