Dungeon Siege III - MediaFire
Dungeon Siege III-RELOADED | 4.26 Gb
Release Date: 06/2011 | Developer: Obsidian Entertainment | Publisher: Square-Enix / Eidos | Protection: Steam | Similar Games: Diablo II | Genre: Action Role-Playing
In Dungeon Siege III, players assume the role of one of four legionnaires in the crumbling kingdom of Ehb.
Do battle as a lone hero or fight alongside up to three friends and, thanks to robust AI, DUNGEON SIEGE III's co-op multiplayer mode allows players to seamlessly drop in and out of battle without interrupting the action or impacting the campaign.
Minimum System Requirements
- OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1 or Windows 7
- CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz or equivalent
- RAM: 1.5 GB
- HDD: 4 GB free disk space
- Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory
- Sound: No accelerated sound hardware required
- DirectX: Version 9
Recommended System Requirements
- OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1 or Windows 7
- CPU: Core i5 750 2.67 GHz or equivalent
- RAM: 2 GB
- HDD: 4 GB free disk space
- Graphics: 896 MB Graphics Memory
- Sound: No accelerated sound hardware required
- DirectX: Version 9
Install Notes:
- Unrar release
- Burn or mount the image.
- Install the game.
- Check the /Crack dir on the DVD.
- Play the game.
Watch Trailer

Mediafire Link :
kok kayak ngopas dari sini ya ?
hasil downloadnya
Isal Games : http://www.mediafire.com/?7fgiirg3nxlym
Copian : http://www.mediafire.com/?65mcpl8oozwka
@Clakers: maaf bro sy tdk ambil dari sana, sy ambil dari situs/forum yg memang sdh sy percaya dari dulu, anda sendiri copasnya dari mana...?? heheheh
ReplyDeleteThank Bang Isal,Bang Request Game Luna Online tapi yang versi offline.Kalau ada Di Share Yaa...
ReplyDeleteTerima Kasih,mau ijin ke TKP . . .
@Anonim: Iya sama2, klo ada pasti sy share.....
ReplyDelete@ptc.bisnis: iya gan semua info game sama...
ReplyDeletehehehe, sy gak upload sendiri gan, sy jg cuma share, tp sy gak terpaku sma 1 sumber aja gan, biasa 3 sumber bahkan lebih...
kan mirip, emnang sama sih ya semua, tapi ga cape apa ngedownload demi ngasih password ?
ReplyDelete@Clakers: klo emang hobby ngapain mesti cape gan...!!!
ReplyDeletekami dari Fans IsalGames selalu mendukungmu,
ReplyDeletetdk apa2 ada passwordnya, biar gak bisa diambil ma org2 yg gak bertanggung jawab,
yah walau kita tau IsalGames jg ambil dari berbagai sumber, tp kan Adminnya sdh repot2 nyari N share ke kita smua, masa cuma sekedar ucapan terima kasih aja gak bisa...??
Maju Terus IsalGames
kak, req DS yang pertama or kedua dong,,
product code nya apa ya?ngak bisa istall ni..
ReplyDeleteproduct code
ReplyDelete@isyam90: kan sdh ada cracknya gan....
ReplyDeleteya..crack nya mang ada..tpi sebelum install ia mintak code activation..ngak tau apa codenya untuk install..harap dapat bantu ya..trima kasih..
ReplyDeleteThanks bro Isal...
ReplyDeleteOverall game ini bagus tapi belum terbiasa sama gameplay-nya.
@ming: cara installnya..
1) otomatis : jalankan autorun DVD.
2) manual : double click file "steambackup.exe".
cat : perhatikan path folder installasi-nya.
bang isal HELP mohon solusinya
ReplyDeletesaya dah donlot semuanya, Part10 nya ko corrupt??
saya dah ikutin yg di tutorial alhmdulillah bisa
nah pas sudah saya mount dan jalanin Steambackup nya ditengah jalan error...Close the proggram..
saya coba ulangi tetep sama aja hasilnya,,,
mohon solusinya bang Isal..
jadi masalah ga bos k'lo install sambil online.? soalnya steam auto update... gimana bos..?
ReplyDeleteBos... Steam minta product code buat gamenya... tolong d upload donk product code Dungeon Siege III nya bos... makasih.
ReplyDeleteHello, Can you please answer me in English, It asks me for a product key during the game installation, can you help me out?
cara instalnya gimana nih? suruh masukin product code,. tolong donk solusinya :)