Lightning Warrior Raidy II: Temple of Desire (+18) - Mediafire
Lightning Warrior Raidy II: Temple of Desire (+18) | 650 Mb
The epic sequel to 3D RPG Lightning Warrior Raidy, Raidy II brings our heroine's world to life as never before! Featuring a brand new map interface, the town of Lake Blue and its surroundings present a host of new locations to explore, with new items, equipment types, weapons (including the legendary Sexcalibur), and gameplay elements - including a gold economy, dual-wielding weapons, and a new charge-based Thunder Slash! Hordes of new "monster girl" enemies for Raidy to face in victory or defeat are present as well - with more than three dozen new monster types and two dozen named characters, this is an action-packed RPG you won't want to miss!
Minimum Requirement:
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Pentium 2 300 MHz
700 MB hard disk space
16 MB Video Card
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Pentium 2 300 MHz
700 MB hard disk space
16 MB Video Card

Mediafire Link :
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ReplyDeleteInternet ane tiba2 gk mau download dari media fire.
Maaf beribu maaf ud ngerepotin.
ReplyDelete@Anonim: there is no problem with the password try checking your network or browser. thanks
ReplyDeleteiseng2 nyoba nyedot gan....
ReplyDelete@pakdhe: silahkan gan...
ReplyDeleteane dah donlod
ReplyDeleteand worked gan. thx bgt y
btw, ane boleh request game Rapeplay ga?
thx berat neh
koq g bisa disave gan gamenya?
ReplyDeletetulungin dunk...
koq g bisa disave gan gamenya?
ReplyDeletetulungin dunk...
wah kayanya asik nih game.. izin sedot gan, thanks uploadnya, maju terus ya...
ReplyDeleteoh ya gan cuman sekedar saran nih, klo bsa kasih info yg jelas buat gamenya gan misalnya kya gni :
ReplyDeleteDeveloper(s) ZyX
Publisher(s) JP ZyX
NA G-Collections
Distributor G-Collections
Series Lightning Warrior Raidy
Platform Windows
Release date JP March 22, 1996
NA June 30, 2010
Genre Adventure
Rating 18+
Cencored NO
buat aku sih genre ama cencorednya yg penting gan waktu mo donlodnya,
makasih banyak atas pengertianya gan..
aduh gan part 4 nya g bisa d download nih,,
ReplyDeletetolong d perbaikin secepatnya donk..
dah tanggung soalnya gah download part lainnya gan..
maaaf ngerepotin gan..
makasih lg nih
@ID: sblmnya maaf gan baru bls, makasi jg atas sarannya gan, oh iya untuk part4 disini bisa gan, coba bersihkan dulu history browsernya.
ReplyDeletewah gan, iia ternyata bisa klo historynya dibersihin dlu, makasih banyak nih gan buat pencerahannya..
ReplyDeleteyou're the best !!
@ID: ok deh gan sama-sama. thanks yah atas kunjungan n smua komentnya.
ReplyDeleteMantap! Sekalian Gan tolong cariin Lightning Warrior Raidy yg pertama. Biar lebih seru koleksinya.
ReplyDeletegan, aye lagi download nie,, nnti klo eror ane coment lagi, tp untuk sins7 thx ya... 100% work,
ReplyDeletegan kok part 1,2,6 ama 7 pass di extract acsess denied si???
ReplyDeletemohon pencerahanna,.Thanx before..
Link nya udah gak jalan ya om
ReplyDeleteis it work on win& ??
ReplyDeleteWin7 i mean..
ReplyDeletesorry before
ijin sedot gan