Empire: Total War - Special Forces Edition - Mediafire
Empire: Total War - Special Forces Edition | 12 Gb
Empire: Total War maintains the series’ genre-leading 3D battles, grand turn-based campaign map and rich historical flavor while for the first time introducing 3D naval combat into the series. The game is set in the 18th century, a turbulent era alive with global conflict, revolutionary fervour and technological advances.
Empire: Total War sees the debut of 3D naval combat — gamers will be able to intuitively command vast fleets or single ships upon seascapes rich with extraordinary water and weather effects that play a huge role in your eventual glorious success or ignominious defeat. After pummelling your enemy with cannon fire, close in to grapple their ship and prepare to board taking control your men as they fight hand to hand on the decks.
General Features
- The revolutionary introduction of Naval Combat to the Total War franchise
- Enhancements to the Total War series’ signature 3D battles and turn based campaign map.
- Realtime battles pose new challenges with the addition of cannon and musket, challenging players to master new formations and tactics as a result of the increasing role of gunpowder within warfare
- New improvements for the Campaign Map — new and improved systems for Trade, Diplomacy and Espionage with agents, a refined and streamlined UI, improved Advisors and extended scope taking in the riches of India, the turbulence of Europe and the untapped potential of North America
System Requirements
- Supported OS: Windows® XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista™
- Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel® Pentium® or greater or AMD® Athlon® equivalent CPU
- Memory: 1 GB RAM (XP,) 2 GB RAM (Vista™)
- Graphics: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible hardware accelerated video card with shader version 2.0 support, 256 MB video memory
- Display: Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels
- Sound: Directx9.0c compatible sound card
- Hard Drive: 15 GB free hard disk space
- Peripherals: Windows compatible mouse and keyboard

Mediafire Link :
http://www.mediafire.com/?13279ox77ced2Mirror 1:
Mirror 2:
Special Thanks to: Juegos Programas Full | Gamehousevn | Netkingvn
kak reques MonoPoly Streets PC yg full...klo da...!!!
ReplyDeletekak file nya gede amat...! pa gak bisa di ciutkan lagi.....
ReplyDelete@Anonim: iya gan ntr klo ada pasti sy posting...!!!
ReplyDelete@Anonim: ukurannya memang segitu, cuman share aja krn bxk yg request bro, liat aja tuh Special Thanks diatas...!!!
gan request game the last remnant donk, thanks before. tetap smangat yah...!
ReplyDeletegan empires 3 yg singgel link
ReplyDeletead gk di sni ..
W btuh bnget nc game empires 3
@Anonim: Empire Earth III: "http://isalgames.blogspot.com/2011/06/empire-earth-iii-mediafire.html"
ReplyDeletegan isal request transformer war for cybertron ya cptan ya...
ReplyDeleteseharusnya kan empire total war special force kan ga nyampe 12 GB ... ini digabung sma gamenya ya?
ReplyDelete@Anonim: ini kan memang game gan...
ReplyDeleteini tak perlu crack???
ReplyDeleteini kan expansionnya, saya request yg Empire total war nya aj dong gann
ReplyDelete@AnonymousThx man , awesome game
ReplyDeletebang izal...boleh request game america conquest all version atausalah satunya aja...thankz ya gan,,semoga kian sukses...
ReplyDeletegan pas rar nya mana??? pas di extarckt kok minta pasword ( link mirorr)
ReplyDeletehey please help me!
ReplyDeletei joined all files of each DVD with hjsplit (thx for tutorial)...but the result are two mega file with any type of extension...what do i have to do now? please help (in english) !!! i really love this game :(
ReplyDeleteI'm too..
so what can i do??
pliz tell
yang part 29 dimedialink bkan yg dimirrornya kok g ad?
ReplyDeletetu part 124nya ga ada?...
ReplyDeleteatau memang ga ada?...
gan cara instalnya gimana?
ReplyDeleteane udah ekstrak rar nya, trus gabungin tu smua file pake hjsplit, terus?
apa pake daemon ato alcohol gtu?