Black Site: Area 51 Ripped - Mediafire
Black Site: Area 51 Ripped - Mediafire | 4.29 Gb
Featuring a powerful single-player campaign, along with multiple online multiplayer modes, BlackSite: Area 51 delivers vicious combat action, next generation graphics and A.I., and a plethora of powerful weapons and vehicles. Set in present day, players take the role of a decorated military veteran charged by the government to lead a squadron of “secret soldiers,” each with his/her own specialty skill set, into the Rachel, Nevada area to fight off the invasion of unidentified enemy races.
A Living, Breathing Squad
As squad commander, Aeran Pierce, you lead Delta Force soldiers who respond to your every order. Lead well and they’ll rally behind you when the enemy brings the fight, but waver in the face of death and morale will sink fast, affecting the squad’s aim, tactics, fatigue and their will to fight.
Incredibly Realistic, Fully Interactive World
From the war-torn streets of Iraq to small town USA, you’ll need to use strategic cover points as you blow away your enemies in huge levels where nearly everything you see is destructible.
One-Button Squad Commands
Command your troops to perform a variety of actions, including planting C-4 to blow doors, sniping enemies in guard towers, or taking control of vehicles – all with one click of a button!
Online Multiplayer Modes
wide variety of traditional online modes, such as Death-Match, Team-Death-Match and Capture-the-Flag as well as all-new, unique modes created specifically for BlackSite™: Area 51®.
Drive, Shoot and Ride
Drive the latest military HMMWVs and commandeer civilian vehicles. Take a seat in the gunner’s position during a daring, low-level helicopter raid against enemy positions. Fight with a range of modern-day Special Forces weapons.
Minimum System Requirements
- OS: Windows XP/Vista
- Processor: Pentium 4 @ 3 GHz
- Memory: 2 GB
- Hard Drive: 15 GB Free
- Video Memory: 256 MB, Pixel/Vertex Shader 3.0
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 9.0c
- Keyboard & Mouse
- DVD Rom Drive
- Broadband Internet Connection for Online Features

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tanks admin!!i love u till death!! :D
ReplyDelete@Anonim: Ok, I also love u to death. wkwkwkkwkwkwk
ReplyDeleteHello Bro Isal,ini file part 1ny corrupt wkt ekstrak,gmn nih?Tolong dibantu y,thks
ReplyDelete@Batik Shop: baca Some Guides di atas gan....
ReplyDeleteBro yg solusi ke 2 wkt w coba ada tulis suspicious entry mau di add ke archive?Kl virus?
ReplyDeleteBro,dibantu tolong thanks
ReplyDelete@Batik Shop: knp gan, sy gak mengerti apa yg anda maksd..??
ReplyDeleteyg part 1 fileny corrupt gk bisa ekstrak,trus w pake rar repair tool,install ampe stgh muncul erro abort,retry,ignore
ReplyDeleteTrus w pilih ignore,install smpe selesai gameny gk bisa maen gk ad aplikasiny,yg ada cuman cooked pc.tolong dibantu bro,kl bisa part 1 nya di upload kembali
ReplyDelete@Batik Shop:
ReplyDeletepart 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?ov6cdkoygav
gan part 17 nya g' mau didownload
ReplyDeletegan npa part1 nya tetep korupt,,, pdahal ane dah download link yg diatas,,, tlong dibntu donk gan Isal alnya tnggung ne dah slse download smua partnya
Part :1, 15,17,19,21 is corrupt..
ReplyDeleted blokir dri pusat broo ?
ReplyDeleteiya gimana nieh perkembangannya , betul part 1,15,17,19,21 corrupt nieh
ReplyDeleteisal update lagi donk file yg korrup....plisss -_-