Ultimate Motorcross Faglight - Mediafire

Ultimate Motorcross Faglight | 161 Mb

Game information:
Racing on a motorbike has never been this much fun Ultimate Motorcross is easy to learn, hard to master. Speed is essential to take on the bigger jumps in various tracks, so keep your eyes on the road. Beware of insane crashes with ragdoll physics
Main features
- 12 different races
- Extreme jumps
- Painfull ragdoll physics
- Multiplayer support (up to 4 players
System Requirements
- OS: Windows XP/Vista
- CPU: 1.0 GHz
- RAM: 512 MB
- DirectX: 9.0

Mediafire Link :
Download Ultimate Motorcross Faglight
# Status : Good Link
# Tested by Me @Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit
keren2 games'y gan....
ReplyDeletethankz ya...
maju terus bang isal
@Anonim: iya gan, makasi juga buat semangatnya, jgn bosan mampir ke sini yah...!!! ^_^
ReplyDeleteTanks berat bro... gw udah download dsn,
ReplyDelete@Anonim: iya bro sama2, thanks jg atas kunjungannya....
ReplyDeletegimana cara instal nya bro? kok cuma file vlc,doc,internet shortcut. notepad?
ReplyDelete@Anonim: gunakan fower iso/sejenisnya untuk mengekstrak file "faglight-motor.bin"
ReplyDeleteizin sedot y gan :)
ReplyDeletegan, tolong link nya di update !