Snow Drop (PC/ENG) - Filesonic

Snow Drop (PC/ENG) | 804 Mb

Game Hentai genre in the English language through a text interface, which is simply to choose the action to continue. Includes many options for the end of the game, also provided for the preservation, if you want to see the alternative ending.
In the days of school holidays, 19-year-old college graduate is sent to parents in a small hotel in the mountains to relax and to ski. But not so properly.
Despite the care of parents in the hotel begins a depravity that only stay in the game ... 100% did not pass censorship.
In the days of school holidays, 19-year-old college graduate is sent to parents in a small hotel in the mountains to relax and to ski. But not so properly.
Despite the care of parents in the hotel begins a depravity that only stay in the game ... 100% did not pass censorship.
If you decide to try a different genre of Japanese love simulation with a small number of erotic scenes, interesting plot and giant dialogue, Snow Drop most suitable for this choice.
Minimum system requirements:
Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP
Processor: Pentium II 300 MHz
Memory: 128 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Minimum system requirements:
Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP
Processor: Pentium II 300 MHz
Memory: 128 Mb
Video: 32 Mb

Filesonic Link :

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linknya mati semua gan...
ReplyDeletebang, filenya removed XD
ReplyDeletemohon maaf atas ketidak nyamanannya, saya sementara mencari alternatif link lainnya..!!!
ReplyDeletepasswordnya apa gan
ReplyDeleteNdak usah diposting kalau linknya mati......
ReplyDelete@ALL: link sdh di perbaiki tp maaf bkn dri mediafire...!!!
ReplyDeletesaya sudah install game nya, tapi ko gak mau running yah,.?
ReplyDeletemalah not responding,.
saya install nya di netbook..
@dhietzz: maaf bro sy cuma share aja, jd gak pernh di coba, buat yg sdh pernh nyoba game ini mohon bantuannya yah...
ReplyDeletemohon kalau boleh pakai link mediafire yaaa
ReplyDelete@Anonim: Ntar sy carikan bro...
ReplyDeletedah d instal tp not responding gan,,,,
ReplyDeletethanks buat game nya broo
ReplyDeletethank gan
ReplyDeletemohon pakai link mediafire bro
ReplyDeletebang isal tolong gantikan link filesonic kepada link mediafire plsssss ...
ReplyDeletelink filesonic lambat bangat sih....
kok gak bisa extract filenya? gmana caranya bro?
ReplyDeletemohon bls dgn secepat yg mungkin yaa..
bang isal mana nih link mediafirenya....??
ReplyDeletetolong secepatnya....
wow slow aja tolong perbaiki linknya
ReplyDeletecz pacarku minta game kayak gini
maaf ngrepotin.....
kok linknya mana sich gak ada perbaiki tolong
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