Elemental: War of Magic - Mediafire

Elemental: War of Magic | 1,9 Gb

Release Notes:
The Skid Rowdies are looking new blood to fill up the ranks.
We're a professional team of dedicated sceners with big mark
under sceners. We believe on the ground idealism of the root
of the real old school scene. We do all this for fun and
nothing else. We don't earn anything on our hobby, as we do
this for the competition and the heart of what got the scene
started in the mid eighties.
The Skid Rowdies are looking new blood to fill up the ranks.
We're a professional team of dedicated sceners with big mark
under sceners. We believe on the ground idealism of the root
of the real old school scene. We do all this for fun and
nothing else. We don't earn anything on our hobby, as we do
this for the competition and the heart of what got the scene
started in the mid eighties.
If you think you got something to offer, then don't hold back
on contacting us as soon as possible.
twice the fun / double the trouble
On with the game release information:
Elemental is a fantasy strategy game set on a world filled
with magic and ancient lore. Rule a fledgling kingdom and
expand it across the world through a combination of magical
power, military might, diplomatic skill, technological
advancement and bold adventuring.
As sovereign, you begin as the only being in your kingdom
still able to channel power from the shards of magic, a
series of mystical artifacts left over from the cataclysm.
You must decide how much of your power to imbue into your
heroes as you build new cities, explore dungeons, perfect
spells of ever increasing power and negotiate with friends
and foes.
Victory can be yours through conquest, magical supremacy,
diplomatic alliances or the completion of the master quest.
Take control as the magical Sovereign, expanding your nation
in a fantasy turn-based setting
As a Channeler, your choices will either save or destroy the
dying world
Recruit heroes, explore dungeons, and collect treasure as each
game unfolds
Randomly generated worlds feel rich in history and ripe for
Tactical battles, custom units, and world-destroying spells
allow your might to be unleashed
Intergrated editors help to keep each game fresh and allow
players full control over their worlds
Install Notes:
1. Unpack release
2. Mount image or burn it
3. Install
4. Copy the content from the SKIDROW folder on the DVD to your
installation directory and overwrite
5. Play the game
on contacting us as soon as possible.
twice the fun / double the trouble
On with the game release information:
Elemental is a fantasy strategy game set on a world filled
with magic and ancient lore. Rule a fledgling kingdom and
expand it across the world through a combination of magical
power, military might, diplomatic skill, technological
advancement and bold adventuring.
As sovereign, you begin as the only being in your kingdom
still able to channel power from the shards of magic, a
series of mystical artifacts left over from the cataclysm.
You must decide how much of your power to imbue into your
heroes as you build new cities, explore dungeons, perfect
spells of ever increasing power and negotiate with friends
and foes.
Victory can be yours through conquest, magical supremacy,
diplomatic alliances or the completion of the master quest.
Take control as the magical Sovereign, expanding your nation
in a fantasy turn-based setting
As a Channeler, your choices will either save or destroy the
dying world
Recruit heroes, explore dungeons, and collect treasure as each
game unfolds
Randomly generated worlds feel rich in history and ripe for
Tactical battles, custom units, and world-destroying spells
allow your might to be unleashed
Intergrated editors help to keep each game fresh and allow
players full control over their worlds
Install Notes:
1. Unpack release
2. Mount image or burn it
3. Install
4. Copy the content from the SKIDROW folder on the DVD to your
installation directory and overwrite
5. Play the game

Mediafire Link :
part 8nya mana?
ReplyDelete@Anonim: sdh ada gan, silahkan di cek, maaf atas kekeliruannya...
ReplyDeletekokokok media firenbya ndk bisa terbuka
ReplyDelete@Anonim: bisa gan sdh sy tes, mungkin tdk di masukkan passwordnya...?? masukkan dulu pass.y bru bisa di download...!!!
ReplyDeleteabng admin kok passx salah ???, udh masukin berapa kali nih bang tolong pencerahanya :+)
ReplyDelete@Anonim: bisa ko' sdh sy tes..!!!
ReplyDeletepass nya salah nih, mohon secepatnya di cek donk...
ReplyDelete@Anonim: Bisa ko' mas, coba aja lagi...
ReplyDeleteSewaktu di RaR koq minta part 10 ya? Maklum masih baru. Mohon pencerahan...
ReplyDeleteKarena part 10-nya dalam bentuk [nkvn], harus diapain?
ReplyDelete@Anonim: rename aja gan, supaya sama dengan part1 - part9....
ReplyDeleteBoss.... Sewaktu di unrar ada keterangan gini : CRC failed in the encrypted file Elemental.War.of.Magic-SKIDROW\sr-ewom.r29 (wrong password ?).Kenapa ya, trus mesti gmna..???
ReplyDeleteMakasih sebelumnya.
@TiCom...: itu artinya password rar nya salah, coba liat password rarnya di folder mediafire file terakhir, download aja, semua password ada di si2....
ReplyDeleteUdah di coba bos.. tp ttp msh ga bisa.! error y di sr-ewom.r29 trus, yg laen y ga ada mslh. mhn pencerahan y. maaf klo rewel, hehe...
ReplyDeletenote : password y yang ini kan : www.netkingvn.com
CRC failed in the encrypted file Elemental.War.of.Magic-SKIDROW\sr-ewom.r29 (wrong password ?)
@TiCom...: coba ketik manual gan...
ReplyDeleteBos yg sr-ewom.r29 di part 7 tu corrupt... masa besar filenya di atas 200mb.. bs ga di reupload?
ReplyDeletegan ,, part 8 nya error..
ReplyDeletesr-ewom.r30 sampai sr-ewom.r33
gk ad gan..
jd sllu error jk d'ekstrak..
mohon solusi'a gan..
Gan, kok pas di ekstrak error, part 8 n n 9nya,
ReplyDeletemohon bantuannya gan,