Call of Duty Black Ops 2010 - Mediafire

Call of Duty Black Ops 2010 | 7.28 Gb

With the cold war took subjects between the former Soviet Union and the United States, Call of Duty: Black Ops will be the version of the first Call of Duty Treyarch beyond the framework of World War 2. "We are very excited with the development of game content based on events that occurred during this period. This is certainly a treasure trove of information is very rich to exploit us and bring new experiences to gamers. "- Mark Lamia said.
Besides the single player mode under the traditional story, Call of Duty: Black Ops will have to play co-op mode from 2 to 4 people as well as items such as multiplayer online games in the genre. Can see trends and coordinate construction mode co-op multiplayer games have become an essential key to good FPS titles in recent times.
With single player, gamers will experience the story of Call of Duty: Black Ops perspective of at least two main characters. The plot is secret during the cold war between two sides will gradually be exposed in the process of completing the game.
No need to heal after a long series, gamers will be falling into the characters in the Black Ops and the task force infiltrated the ranks of the enemy. Treyarch studio director, said: "Quang time occurred Cold War allowed us to unleash creativity because it has never been any use in any FPS game ever. Although not going into a timeline or a fixed event, we will cover the entire process of the cold war took place. Which have all the secret military campaign, the fighting has never been revealed. "
"These are attempts from the world powers. Due to its commitment not to wage war on a large scale, both the Soviet Union and America have the secret to the campaign of his opponent. "- Mark Lamia said.
For complete contents of the Call of Duty: Black Ops, the development team was very enthusiastic help from the veterans who directly participate in the war in Vietnam as well as special warriors responsibilities of the former Soviet Union. Although Call of Duty: Black Ops is an entertaining game, but the help of the veterans will certainly help the professional element in the game is developed accurately.
Accordingly, our veterans have made small contributions to advising how to build character, weapons and situations in the game. "They truly are great people with intelligence, adaptability and complete the task brilliantly" - Mark praised.
The most typical example is the appearance of the bow and crossbow in the game. Besides the modern weapons, the bow this is one of the weapons were army and people of Vietnam use on the battlefield. Not only that, these weapons can be modified to increase damage as well as the scope of use.
The following incidents between Activision and Infinity Ward, the responsibility to develop Call of Duty brand will be placed on the shoulders of the studio Treyarch. We can say, Call of Duty: Black Ops is a new step in the development history of their FPS game.
Minimum System Requirements:
- Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
- Processor: Intel Dual Core 3.0GHz / Athlon 64 X2 3600+
- Memory: 1 GB of RAM
- Graphic: Nvidia GeForce 7800 GT, ATI X1900 or better with 256 MB of memory
- Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
- Hard Disk Space: 12 GB available
Recommended System Requirements:
- Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 / AMD Phenom X3 8750
- Memory: 2 GB of RAM
- Graphic: Nvidia GeForce 8600GT, ATI X1950 or better with 512 MB of memory
- Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
- Hard Disk Space: 12 GB available

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@SHANDY: disini bisa ko' gak ada masalah....
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@Shandy: bagus deh klo gi2 bang....
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ReplyDelete@Charles: there is no problem with part 38, try using another browser and clear your browser history.
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